Saturday 11 April 2020


#AMPSHOMEBUSINES.    #ampshomebiz, Affiliate Internet Marketing.
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Paul Thompson IA
ON-The-Job Training Course.
amps training                               Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Becoming An Entrepreneur
I have some interesting information to share, and
I am sure you will find it interesting and supportive!
My Small Business Start-Up Guide.
The Ultimate Small Business Startup Guide for the Entrepreneur.
Welcome. There are many reasons to start a new business, including the freedom of being in charge, the chance to be creative and deal with a wide variety of tasks where no day is the same, realizing your dream and doing something that you are genuinely interested in, not to mention the financial rewards.
However, the decision to set up a company and be your own boss is a huge step and as such, requires a lot of thought.
Becoming an entrepreneur is a life-changing experience and it isn’t for everyone. It will require determination, the ability to plan ahead, resilience and focus, as well as comprehensive research into your business idea, the marketplace and your financial options.
Warning. All businesses start with great intentions and hope but more than half of all businesses will not make it beyond a couple of years.

#Training Course in Affiliate Marketing. Now available online. email and request info.Simple Steps to SUCCESS! Start NOW!
*DISCLAIMER*Affiliates generate commissions from uel links.
Learning by Doing, On-The-Job #Training.
SKILLS SET: Communication Skills, Basic IT,
 Able To follow Instructions, Problem Solving, Organisational/Home office Administration.
Work at your own pace in your own time.
For Support;
Connect with me on social media.
INSTRUCTION: Work your way through the program sequentially & Systematically. STEP BY STEP. Tick off on completion. Record in your diary or notebook.
Fully complete a task before moving to the next one.
START HERE...take notes record points as you require.
Self-Improvement and Productivity in the Working Environment.
Your career takes up more than 1/3rd of your life. Most people work at least 40 hours each week. This is why career success lies so heavily on the other aspects of your life.
If you are not fully satisfied with your success in the workplace, this can negatively impact your entire self-worth.
This is why it’s so important to gain control of your career success in order to gain control of your self-improvement. 
 Determine your skills- when it comes to self-improvement in the workplace, you need to determine what makes you a good worker:
What thrills you?
What interests you?
What are you good at?
Perhaps you are a good writer; perhaps you are a great salesperson. You need to find dig deep within yourself and determine your strengths, which will lead to a dream career. 
You require a PC,an internet connection, the ability to follow instructions.
>>>Take Action As Above,( or) Scrole down.
Think of this as a home business employee under contract.
Your job is to drive traffic to your affiliate links.
Make time to study to enable your understanding.
Looking at how to plan and grow your business.
#know your Company
#know your compensation plan
#know your product
Remember this, Time, Effort and Commitment = Success.
Kind regards,
 Paul Thompson IA
1.) Join all websites & follow the instructions in each of the back offices.
Take advantage of Training, Support & Guidance.
#AMPS, #Affiliate, #Marketing. #Promotion, #Service & #Support.
Prospects are to...
Fill in the Free sign up Forms to all of the following websites.
Move To task 2.
N.B.To Promote your Home business,You will require a Paypal
OR other,
POINTS TO NOTE:Prioritize- at work it’s important to prioritize what needs to be done now and later. It can be easy to do the simple tasks first and push the harder tasks to another day. However, this is going to just bring you more stress in the end. To improve your work schedule, you need to set deadlines and meet these. 
Keep a schedule- many people carry around a diary or a calendar of their meetings and things that need to be done. This is one of the most important things you can do to keep control of your tasks and make the day run smoother.
Do not just schedule work-related events; keep one step ahead of all your daily chores and errands. If you see what needs to be done, the workload can be a lot less overwhelming. Just take it one step at a time. 
2.) Freelancer: Independent Affiliate. AFFILIATE WEALTH Maximizer. Free To Start today.

 Note: As you complete tasks, use the links provided from each site. Enter in the Back office location provided by AWM.
Complete all tasks in the back office. Promote the special link as per inside instructions.
Move to task 3.
 Make a To-Do list- at home and on the job, To-do lists are one of the most effective ways to get things done. Make a list of everything, from cleaning the house and laundry to writing that report and making the presentation at work.
One of the best things about To-Do lists is that you get to check off each item once it is finished.
Seeing what you have accomplished throughout the day with checked To-Do lists is liberating and therapeutic.
It can improve your self-confidence and you are stimulated & motivation to get the job done.  
Complete all Tasks as above.
Promote your penitential income stream. Move to Task 4.
 Relax, once in a while- it’s okay to take a few minutes during the day for yourself, as long as it is not stopping your productivity.
Many people can motor through a 10-hour working day without a break; most people, however, cannot. Use your breaks to their full potential but relaxing and recharging. 
Take advantage of your peak time- everyone has a certain time during the day that they get the most work done. For many, this is in the morning. For others, this may be after lunch. Take advantage of your peak time by working through the hard tasks then. 
4.) Best Easy Work.
Follow & Learn all training. Use the recommended Advertising sites & methods. Move to Task 5.
Take short steps- big projects are hard to tackle. However, the hardest part is always starting it. If you have to tackle a big project, break it up into smaller sections. A book is really only several different chapters.
 Think about this when you need to tackle your next big project.
This can make the project a lot less overwhelming and greatly increases your chance of success.
5.) ADD and develop the following income Streams.
( ) tick
 (b) Advertise Free For Ever.
( ) tick
 (c) Home Business Adverts.
( ) tick
 (d) Build-My-Team.
( ) tick
 (f) DownLine Farm.
( ) tick
 (g) All 4 Webs.
( ) tick
6.) ADMIN & SELF-improvement
Getting Organised
To-do list
Priority     Due Date       What      Who     In Progress            Done

( ) tick
My Tips for Spirit, Mind and Soul Self-Improvement
by Paul Thompson.
"Take Action."
Easily and automatically promote/advertise an unlimited number of products, services, opportunities, websites and more at the same time using state of the art automation that only increases your advertising reach over time - from 20 times to up to 200 times faster than you can do by hand?
AMPS Training
NB.If you have worked through the above tasks. Move to continuation "Training For Entrepreneurs."
"Continuation Training For Entrepreneurs."
The 8-Step Affiliate Launch Formula
 Anyone can be an affiliate marketer. However, most affiliate marketers don’t have an affiliate business.
I define an affiliate business as a venture which does 2 things:
 i. generate regular sales.
 ii. generates a net profit.
Most affiliates are hobby marketers, they don’t approach their promotions like a business and either get little to no sales or spend more on advertising than they earn in sales.
I’m Paul Thompson and have been a full-time affiliate marketer for about 14 years.
My 8-Step Affiliate Launch Formula is a simple, step-by-step guide to launching an affiliate business that makes regular sales and generates a net profit.
You might be used to seeing promotions from other affiliates which claim that you can earn 5-6 figures a month or a specific amount like $200 a day simply by applying the strategies contained in a webinar, e-book or video course.
The truth is that a lot of webinars are nothing more than long-winded sales pitches with very little user training or content and anyone who claims they can show you a way to achieve a specific level of income is not being honest with you as they don’t know you any better than I do.
As such, they cannot predict what you’ll do with the information they give you or whether you will understand and apply it correctly.
This is a short report that you’ll be able to get through in a few minutes and, if you understand and apply the information it contains, I am confident you will be able to create your own affiliate business - a venture which regularly makes you sales and costs less than it makes. OK, so here is the 8-step formula.
 These are all things that successful affiliates do that most affiliates don’t do:
1. Create – Promoting a raw affiliate link to a product sales page sets you up to lose money straight off the bat. You need to create an automated digital sales funnel which builds your email contact list on the front end so that you can grow your contact base while you promote.
After your visitors subscribe to your email list to get your free offer, your funnel needs to automatically present the product you’re promoting to them.
 Most people don’t buy a product on their first exposure to that product, which means that building a list so that you can give your prospects further opportunities to buy your product massively increases your affiliate campaign profit.
If you’re promoting with paid advertising, a good digital sales funnel can mean the difference between a huge ROI (return on investment) and a huge loss from promoting raw affiliate links.
If you’re promoting with free traffic, using a digital sales funnel means you work less hard for more profit. If you don’t know how to create an automated digital sales funnel, click here to see a done-for-you funnel you can use which works well at building your list and churning out commissions.
Covert Commission is an alternative for people who aren’t yet ready to build their own lists with their own autoresponder.
It enables you to sell affiliate products by giving away free reports. People who sign up for the free report receive follow-ups from the Covert Commissions team with your affiliate links in them. This is a great shortcut for beginners.
 2. Promote – There’s a lot of misconceptions about traffic and it's important to understand the difference between targeted visitors and 'clicks’. There are a lot of sites around that will sell you 100000 clicks for 5 bucks or whatever.
This type of traffic won't make you any money because the clicks if they’re even made by human visitors, aren't targeted. In other words, your website isn't getting visited by people who are interested in your offers.
Many affiliates think that any clicks will eventually convert into sales. The truth is that clicks must be targeted to convert into leads and sales.
 If you don’t get targeted traffic, you won’t make any money – it’s that simple. There are only 2 basic ways to send visitors to a webpage: with paid advertising and free traffic methods. The fastest way is with paid advertising although some free traffic methods can also be very effective.
One type of paid advertising that has worked better for me than any other is solo advertising. In my experience, the best place to get cost-effective solo ads is at Udimi, a marketplace where you can buy solo emails to established marketers' lists.
Advertisers leave ratings for solo ad vendors so that you can see what sort of results other people are getting with each vendor.
Two more awesome ad sources, which have generated many times more revenue than they cost me to acquire are Referral Frenzy and Truckload Of Ads, although these sites are unsuitable for promoting offers that are not related to making money online and internet marketing.
 There are a few free traffic methods that have yielded good results for me. For example, if you're promoting products related to making money online, you can get lots of free targeted visitors by using ad exchanges.
These include mailers, safe lists, text ad exchanges, and traffic exchanges. Whilst these sources won’t work as well as real solo ads, they’re free and most of the people using these sites have an online business to promote, so your sites are being visited by people who want to make money on the net.
 Personally, I've never had any success with trying to gamify search engine algorithms with SEO, so I don't really do any search engine optimization.
 On the other hand, social media sites have worked quite well for me, although no free traffic source I have tried has worked anywhere near as well as paid advertising and if you want to get your affiliate business launched quickly, paid advertising is by far the best solution.
3. Track – All successful affiliates track both clicks and conversions. Tracking clicks enables you to determine whether your advertising is getting you any visitors.
 Tracking conversions enable you to determine whether the visitors are real and interested in your offer. Unfortunately, there are a lot of advertising sellers online that get you a ton of clicks but the clicks they get you never convert to leads or sales.
 When tracking conversions, it’s easiest just to track whether your clicks convert to free offer sign-ups as this will give you more data than tracking sales. All genuine leads can convert to sales if they’re shown the right offer at the right price.
However, it is worth mentioning that buying incentivized leads is not a good strategy for affiliates, as people who sign-up to offers just to receive a few cents or whatever is very unlikely to buy anything from you.
4. Tweak – Adjusting your affiliate campaigns in response to your conversion tracking statistics is something else that successful affiliates do. Put simply, this just means testing whether making changes to various components of your affiliate campaign such as your lead capture page (a.k.a. a squeeze page), solo email copy, banner ad design or email follow-up copy increases or decreases sign-up conversions and/or overall profit for the same traffic source.
You can also ‘split-test’ 2 different versions of a lead capture page to see which gets the most sign-ups with the same traffic source.
Although this sounds a bit complicated if you’re just starting out as an affiliate, split-testing it’s a great way to boost your return on investment.
An easy way to launch split-test campaigns if you’re not technically inclined is with a software tool called Split Test Monkey which you can use to easily run split-tests and automatically send your visitors to the higher-converting version of your landing page after the software has measured which landing page is better at converting visitors into leads.
Don’t worry if tweaking campaigns sounds a bit complicated – just get a campaign launched and promoted and then worry about tweaking after you’ve got some results.
5. Engage – People buy stuff from other people. Once you have some email leads it’s important to try to connect with them so that they know who you are, trust you and care what you have to say and what products you recommend. If you connect with your leads, you’ll be building the most valuable asset an affiliate can have – a responsive following.
 There is a huge difference between a list of opt-in email addresses and a responsive following. You can have 100000 email addresses and not make any significant income from your list but if you have a small list of targeted, responsive followers, it can make you very wealthy.
You can connect with your leads by telling them about yourself – some of what you tell them is very likely to resonate with them as most affiliates start out for the same reasons, like wanting to make money from home so they can spend more time with their families and wanting greater control over their lives than can be achieved by having a 9-5 job.
6. Help – If you want to really connect with your leads and build a long-term loyal customer base, it’s important that the free content you give to your new prospects really helps them. If your giveaway product is a free report, your leads will base their opinion of you on that report, so giving them a shoddy, poorly written and uninformative report will not help you at all.
It’s also essential that any premium product you recommend genuinely provides your buyers with a solution to whatever problem the product claims to solve.
For instance, I mostly promote digital products related to affiliate marketing, I am therefore particularly careful when looking for products to promote as I don’t want my leads to buy a crappy blind offer which makes big income claims and then disappoints when the product behind the sales page turns out to be a massive dud.
 Sometimes you can find poor quality products which sell very well. They have huge EPCs, fancy videos, big promises and loads of (misleading) testimonials on the sales page and lots of affiliates promote them just to make a fast buck.
 Promoting offers like this is NOT a good strategy for building an affiliate business because it is unethical, it damages your brand and it disappoints your lead base, making them very unlikely to buy from you again.
 Obviously, the good products make big claims too and if they didn’t they wouldn’t be able to compete in today’s digital product marketplace.
It’s therefore important to buy and test products yourself before you promote them so that you can separate the hypey offers which are worthwhile from those that are just 100% hype.
 There are no ‘nonhypey’ offers in the digital product marketplace so testing products to make sure they work is an important step for every ethical affiliate who promotes digital products.
7. Sell – Whilst you can still create a profitable affiliate business without doing any hard selling, if you want to grow your business as quickly as possible, you need to pitch products to people now and again. Some people are natural sellers, and some aren’t.
Personally, I’m not a natural seller, and wouldn’t be able to persuade people to buy things over the phone. Fortunately, you don’t need to talk to people to sell affiliate products these days, you just need to be able to write a good sales email and press ‘send’ to broadcast it to your subscribers.
In fact, if there’s an amazing offer that would really help your lead base, you owe it to them to try to get them to buy it. For example, Viral Lightning and Covert Commissions are both game-changers for beginners, as they remove a lot of the work which would normally be required to build a good automated digital sales funnel. Most new affiliates don’t have the knowledge or skills to create a funnel and without a funnel, you’re not going to get anywhere.
8. Rinse & Repeat – Once you’ve successfully launched a funnel, got some visitors through it and achieved some results, you need to take that same successful campaign model and apply it to more affiliate products. Each time you do this, you will get a little bit better at ‘plugging leaks’ in your funnel which could reduce your overall profit by improving your advertising copy, lead capture pages, lead magnets, and follow-up sequences.

How to Generate Sales through Your Affiliate Links The vast majority of affiliate programs today pay based on actual sales, which is referred to as cost per sales, or CPS. Basically, you will receive payment based on the difference between a buy or wholesale cost and the actual retail cost. As an example, if your link takes a customer to an online store and the visitor buys an item with a retail cost of $100.00 USD and a wholesale price of $50.00, you will earn $50.00 from the transaction. In other cases, the revenue is based on fixed percentages of total sales, rather than price.

No.1 Home-based Online Job …Helping Other People Every day! Hay, Let’s start the day off by giving away a free site to anyone who would like a Home Business.

Domain Name:
You can think of this as the address to where your website lives on the internet. There are different types of domains such as ( .com .net .org ) and a whole bunch more, but when dealing with something important like your business, you usually want to aim for a domain which is .com in order to give your website that extra bit of prestige. You can typically invest in these domains direct from your WebHost, or you can purchase them from domain registrars such as or
Risk-Free Business Opportunity. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY

Warm Regards,
Paul Thompson IA

If a domain is an address of where your website lives, then a web host is the house it lives in. A web host is just a fancy name for a computer-server that you can upload files to, upload web pages to and point your domain name at so when people search for your website or click on your links they will be directed right to the appropriate place for viewing your website. A website can not exist without both a domain-name and a web-host, so keep that in mind when planning your own websites. One of the most popular web-hosts of today is called HostGator and they not only have excellent prices for you to choose from but their customer service is 2nd to none! Check them out if you wish, click this link to land on their website.

Risk-Free Business Opportunity. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY

Warm Regards,
Paul Thompson IA

You probably already know what this is but in case you’re not sure of the technical explanation of what a “website” is then it’s simple this… A website is a collection of pages all hosted under the same domain name. A website can be the host of different file types such as images, videos, ebook files and just about anything else that your computer can open inside of your web browser. That’s it, pretty simple really.

Risk-Free Business Opportunity. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY

Warm Regards,
Paul Thompson IA

Blogs are in fact part of a website, which is why the term comes from an even older term which is “web-log”. Many times you will see a website have a separate section that hosts their blog, and you can do this too if you don’t plan on having a website which is only a blog. Blogs typically are just a collection of articles (much like the Powerhouse Affiliate blog) and inside those articles, you’ll find a wide range of subjects covered for you to pick from. Blogs are a very easy way to get started online as a digital marketer as they give you a home base to run your operation from.
Risk-Free Business Opportunity. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY

Warm Regards,
Paul Thompson IA

Content Management System is a software that allows you to create things such as websites. WordPress is technically considered a CMS, in case you didn’t already know that. These types of software are great for those of us who are not very technical as it allows us to create complex things like websites in a very simple fashion. Often times these types of software are very visual in nature, allowing for you to create a “WYSIWYG” type of website or blog. (WYSIWYG) stands for What You See Is What You Get.

As mentioned just above, this is a CMS that has been adopted in a major way. As of the writing of this article, WordPress Sites Make Up 14.7% of the Top 100 Websites in the World, so you can see just how popular it’s become!

You probably hear this word thrown around a lot. It simply means a segment of a market or a category if you wish to use that word instead. A great way to get a visual grasp of what a niche is, visit and take a look at their menu of different categories. You’ll notice they have the main categories (also known as niches) and when you click on one, it will usually expand down into further sub-niches. There can be a niche within a niche within a niche all the way down until you just can’t find any more niches the deeper you dig. Thanks to this little fact it’s practically impossible to run out of marketing options, all you have to do is keep digging or searching within different categories. By the way, Amazon is a great place to find brand new niche ideas if you ever run out of ideas on your own!

Niche Marketing
This is the practice of targeting your marketing efforts specifically to your target niche. This is done by offering a solution to a “niche problem” which is genuinely useful.

Digital Nomad
This is a fun term which you’ll sometimes see tossed around. It basically just refers to a person who is oftentimes very tech-savvy and capable of earning a living online despite having no set place of business. Often times folks who work from home can be considered a digital nomad and even those of us who enjoy the freedom of that “laptop lifestyle” definitely classify as a digital nomad. Basically, it’s a person who makes their living online no matter where in the world they are and they aren’t tied down to one specific location.

The Right Affiliate Marketing Program For You There are affiliate programs for just about any type of good or service that one can imagine. Finding the right program for you will mean taking stock of your own motives for entering affiliate marketing, and what skills and resources you can bring to the effort.
Helping Other People Every day!
Hay, Let’s start the day off by giving away a free site to anyone who would like to start a legitimate Home Business.

Risk-Free Business Opportunity. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY

Warm Regards,
Paul Thompson IA

#Training Course in Affiliate Marketing. Now available online. email and request info.
ARE you in business?
  "I am proud to recommend my online start-up course."
Today I am giving away this FREE step by step course.
Warm regards,
*DISCLAIMER*Affiliates generate commissions from uel links.
World Team Builder, it's a FREE system you can use to build your team BEFORE you join the official opportunity.
You can also see your potential income rise daily in real-time, this is amazing, as normally you join an opportunity then build your team, this way you build your team first then join the official opportunity. I am logging in daily and it allows me to see the kind of commissions I could potentially make.
Why not take a FREE position, there is NO cost and see for yourself how it works.
Grab a FREE spot, here is my World Team Builder sign up link, remember its FREE no cost to join

G.D.I. Future Freedom- INVEST TODAY
                         "Business-minded People"

Firstly, there have been many changes brought on by technological advances, I reference some changes pertaining to internet marketing. In particular the cost of starting up a number of online business opportunities. For example, the free business opportunity has benefits for the would-be
Secondly, many business-minded people have taken an interest in affiliate marketing. This free business opportunity offers the marketer the benefits of working from home, or where ever there is an internet connection.
It is a low-risk business with a flexible work schedule.
Great if you enjoy being your own boss. Setting goals and targets are of paramount importance, as is establishing and maintaining a routine.
Another similar model is to partner business owners Reading the small print, and researching that business is a must, as there are variants.
Paul Thompson IA
Live for the Now- sure, you need to plan for the future, but live for the moment! This can be a little tricky but the key is to find that balance between saving for tomorrow and living for today. Opt for a savings account for the future and keep a special account for the Now, just in case you see a beautiful dress on sale or you and your buddies decide to rush off to Vegas for the weekend.

#AMPS, Supporting Who Cares Wins

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