Thursday 11 January 2018


COMPASSION TRAINING WEEKLY SOOTHING PLAN MORNING I am filled with gratitude for another day on this earth. AFTERNOON May I be kind to myself EVENING May I except my life as it is. MONDAY I am feeling healthy & Strong today. Under the Duvet,Soothing Rhythm Breathing. May I be safe. Recognise the Days Success. TUESDAY I have all that I need to make this a great day. Under the Duvet Soothing Rhythm Breathing. May I be kind to myself. NOTE SUCCESS. WEDNESDAY I have all the information I need to solve any challenge that come up today. Under the Duvet Rhythm Breathing. May I be Peaceful NOTE SUCCESS THURSDAY I have the Knowledge to make smart decisions today. Under the Duvet Rhythm Breathing. May I except myself as I am. NOTE SUCCESS. FRIDAY I can make the right choices all day using my soothing Mentor. Under the Duvet Rhythm Breathing. May I except my life as it is. NOTE SUCCESS. SATURDAY I am happy and content with my life. CD4-You at your best. Visit NOTE SUCCESS FOR WEEKLY ASSESSMENT. SUNDAY I am happy and calm and great the day with ease. CD12- Focussing self-compassion towards self. Weekly Self-assessment. Prepare next weeks Soothing Program. Note Any Fears & Concerns. Anticipate problems. FORWARD PLANNING


  1. Tricky Brain
    It is helpful to remind ourselves about Tricky Brain when we get caught up in self-criticism, self-hate and feel shame.
    The brain and neurobiology, human nature, and our life experiences all influence the way our mind works.

    It is not our fault we think this way! We are simply doing the best we can. It's just the way the brain works.

    CFT says there are 3 types of regulator systems that affect our state of mind:
    Incentive/resource focused - achievement, motivation
    Non-wanting affiliative focused - safeness, soothed.
    Threat focused - seeks to protect us and keep us safe.
    When we've experienced repeated trauma, particularly early in life, then we spend a lot of time in our threat focused system, so our focus of attention, thoughts, feelings and behaviour are taken up with fear, danger and trying to keep ourselves safe.

  2. Compassionate Self Talk & Your Personal Tool KIT

    Aiming to develop your compassionate mind.

    We all have internal dialogue in our heads, it is very often self critical and we judge ourselves far harsher than the way we judge other people. We can practise noticing when we do that, and start to use Compassionate Mind.

    Bring your Compassionate Image to mind.

    See situations using Compassionate Mind: If I wasn't feeling so emotional, how else would I see this situation?…/developing-qualities-of-i…

    The key is to find ways to deal with those negative events in a positive way. It is fine to experience the pain of a negative event. But, after acknowledging the pain, it is also important to get up and try again—to remember that failures and illnesses and bad relationships are not a verdict on your worth as a person, but just another hurdle to be overcome. Ultimately, you need to learn to treat yourself with the same kindness you would show to others in the same situation.
    Compassion, like physical and academic skills, appears to be something that is not fixed, but rather can be enhanced with training and practice.

    ⦁ Now that we have seen how we can generate alternatives to our self attacking thoughts, we
    can explore ways to help them have more emotional
    ⦁ It does not take away painful realities,
    but it can help us to cope in a different way.
    May we be free of suffering.

    Build a tool kit for your life.
    ⦁ The training part can be like going to a physiotherapist, where you learn to do exercises and build up certain
    ⦁ The compassion systems in your brain are the ones we
    are trying to strengthen with our exercises.

    Make a Compassionate Kit Bag for life'sjourney

    Soothing Mentor
    May I be free of suffering.

  3. Compassion wrongly expressed (the provision of fish) may result in immediate alleviation of suffering but no long-term effects.

    Compassion expressed in the right way (for example, teaching a skill) can and should provide long-term solutions. Remembering this could save a lot of pain later

    Read more at:
