Wednesday 27 September 2017


ASN: AMPS: I feel great about myself and my life I think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease I am full of positive thoughts from t...

Health and Fitness Self-Improvement Tips
There’s no better place to start self-improvement than with your health.
After all, health is one of the most important aspects of life. Taking care of
your health is the first step on the road to self-improvement.
1. Eat breakfast- start the day off right with a quick morning breakfast.
Fruit and yoghurt, granola and milk or whole-wheat toast and peanut
butter will ensure you start on the right foot.
2. Relax in the morning- get up a couple minutes early and savour that
extra time. Enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the sun rise; take a few
extra minutes to yourself in the shower; or go for a quick brisk walk
around the block to get your heart pumping. There’s nothing worse than
starting your day in a rush. A few minutes in the morning can make a
world of difference.
3. Exercise with a friend- Exercise releases endorphins, which can lift your
sprit as well as help you maintain a healthy weight. However,
sometimes it can be hard to get out of bed and actually hit the gym.
Combining your friendly chatter with exercise can make exercise much
more fun. Working out with a friend, whether this is a morning stroll, a
spin class, an evening run or anything else, can keep you motivated
and revved for the rest of the day.
4. Don’t just drink water, enjoy water- tap water is fine, in most instances,
but pure water makes a big difference. It’s important to drink 2 litres of
water each day; however, this shouldn’t seem like a chore. Add some
ice cubes, cordial and enjoy water through a fun straw to make it more
indulgent. Water doesn’t have to be just water.
5. Pop a vitamin a day- it’s amazing what one little pill can do for your
health. Multi vitamins can give your body the nourishment it is lacking.
We can’t eat perfect balanced and healthy all the time, which is why
vitamins were created.
6. Hide (or throw away) the scale- a scale is the only ingredient you need
for a recipe for disaster when it comes to self-improvement. Hide it.
Throw it away and don’t think about it. You have more important things
to worry about than your weight. If you feel great on the inside, then it
will show on the outside, regardless of what that darned scale says.
7. Stop Smoking- quitting is hard; not quitting is even harder. If you are a
smoker, start small and get the help you need. Limiting your cigarette
intake is the first step to a healthier you and an improved lifestyle.
8. Aim for 30- 30 minutes of exercise each day is recommended by health
professionals. This includes simple changes to your lifestyle like
incorporating a walk into your evening activities, taking the stairs
instead of the elevator and riding your bike to work once and a while.
9. Stretch- stretching can keep your muscles feeling relaxed and also
helps to relieve stress.
10. Follow the food guide- The health professionals made the daily food
chart for a reason. Try to get 2 servings of fruit, five servings of fruit,
dairy and protein each day.
11. Reward yourself (in moderation)- a weekly treat is necessary for all
your hard work to remain healthy. Treat yourself to something you love
like low fat ice cream or chocolate. On the path to self-improvement,
there is always time to stop and eat dessert.
12. Accept the aging process- many people have trouble coming to terms
with their body’s changes as they age. It’s important to understand that
aging is a natural process. Learn to love your wrinkles, your grey hair
and your less-than-tight skin. George Clooney, Harrison Ford, Demi
Moore, Sharon Stone and Brad Pitt are all over 40, and they have never
looked better!
13. Limit your alcohol intake- having a glass of wine with dinner is fine;
however, when you are drinking a bottle of wine a night, or, even worse,
binge drinking, then you are causing serious damage to your body. If
you are going to drink, drink responsibility. Make sure you have a
designated driver or cab ride and drink plenty of water throughout the
14. Don’t neglect your oral hygiene- make it a habit to brush, floss and
use sugar-free, alcohol-free mouthwash daily. Make a trip to the dentist
once a year too. No one likes going to the dentist- but no one wants to
lose his or her teeth either.
15. De-stress- remaining healthy is not just about go, go, go. You also
need to stop, relax and re-stress. Stress is unavoidable at some times.
The best way to deal with stress is to push away from it for a few
minutes, let your body relax, and then tackle it head on.
16. Invest in Sleep- you don’t need us to tell you how important sleep is.
This is why it’s a good idea to reward yourself at night with expensive
sheets, a perfectly firm mattress and cosy down covers. Your bed is
your battery recharger. Make sure it’s in tip-top condition.
17. Get creative with food- variety is the spice of life, and this couldn’t be
truer than in the kitchen. Share recipes with friends, check online
cooking forums and have fun with your food. You can still eat a healthy
(and affordable) diet that doesn’t just consist of brown rice, grilled
chicken and salad. Spice it up!
18. If you get sick, then be sick- so many people attempt to work through
their illness. Stop. If you are sick, then stay in bed. Getting sick is your
body’s way on telling you that you are working too hard. You will feel
better faster if you just accept the illness and take a break. Plus, you
will not be contaminating those around you. So grab some ginger ale,
Kleenex and the DVD player and let your body heal!



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