Tuesday 15 November 2016

How and Why to Buy a City Pennysaver

Paul@Penny Savers ‎Tuesday, ‎15 ‎November, ‎2016

I've come across this program that looks like a fantastic
way to Promote Our Existing Business Online
⦁ http://citypennysaver.com/index.php?diy=30925&n=Barrow-in-Furness,Cumbria,England
LINK TO USE: Your must USE A CITY LINK WITH THIS AD ONLY (Do not use any other links)

Subject: New: City Ads Gone Viral! Get a Free Ad!


How Would You Like to get your ads seen on Hundreds of
VIRAL City Ad Sites? OMG! Hope you said Yes I would like

You can promote mostly anything you like, from Biz Opps to
Affiliate programs, business to business... It a New
Advertising Concept.

All the City Owners are promoting sites like mine. One or
more of those ads can be yours.

We are so confident that your ad can get seen all over the
Internet, we are offering you a Free Ad worldwide to try
our service! and.. if you want to add more ads guess what
their prices are so low you will want to go Platinum. I am
not kidding!

So what are you waiting for, get signed up right now. Look
for Get Your Free Account in red and white to the left top
of the site!

I will see you on the Viral Trail to Greatness!

All the Best
Advertise on Local Social Media or the WWW.
My Email: paulhere70@gmail.com
Mob No: 07585131665
URL: http://citypennysaver.com/index.php?diy=30925&n=Barrow-in-Furness,Cumbria,England
"Choise is better than no choise"
Paul's Penny Savers Online Advertising Business
Local & World Wide Adverising
Free & Low cost Options
Business Traffic
TRAFIC MONGEL http://trafficmongrel.com/PT135007
PERFECT TRAFFIC http://www.perfectraffic.com/PT135007
Mobile APPs - ZABANG http://zabang.com/affiliate/2150
100% mobile frendly
Free & Low cost Options http://advertopia.org/ref.cgi/1790
Tired of joining one opportunity after another? Tired of not getting the training and support you deserve? Check us out and decide for yourself! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Hello Paul,

Did you know you can pre-build your global downline before you join our DubLi Network business opportunity?

That's one of the main advantages of the Team Building Project (TBP) system!

You can even log in to your TBP back office and monitor the real-time growth of your global downline team.

Here are a few simple methods you can use to share your unique TBP referral link and pre-build your global downline.

Note: These are just suggestions. You can be as creative as you like. Just remember to keep it simple and honest!

1) Effective Facebook Recruiting
2) Simple eMail Example
3) Simple eMail for experienced Network Marketers
4) Simple Tweet Examples
Effective Facebook Recruiting

1) Post your unique TBP referral link no more than five (5) times per day.

2) Post your unique TBP referral link a maximum of one (1) time per day on your personal wall or in a specific group.

Wherever you post your unique TBP referral link (you wall, another Facebook users wall, news feed, Groups, etc.), make sure it only appears ONCE on the entire page. That means delete any/all previous posts before posting your unique TBP referral link again.

Follow these steps:

1) Log in to your Facebook account.

2) Select the page or group in which you want to post your referral link.

3) Post one of the following examples in the Status text box:

DubLi Network is an exceptional opportunity with perfect timing and positioning PLUS, I'm also using the Team Building Project system (free to use) to fuel the growth of my DubLi Network business. It's the best support system (TEAM) I've ever had and I'm truly grateful. http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

We're positioning people just like you for success in the multi-trillion dollar e-commerce industry! Check out DubLi Network and decide for yourself if it's the right opportunity for you! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Tired of joining one opportunity after another? Tired of not getting the training and support you deserve? Check us out and decide for yourself! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

If you've failed at network marketing but still believe in the concept, this is for you! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Simple eMail Examples

Hello [Friend],

I know you're busy so I'll keep this short.

I have found an incredible business opportunity with a proven support system in place to help me develop weekly and monthly income streams.

I encourage you to take a few minutes and check it out for yourself at http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760.

If you have any questions or need additional information give me a call or send me an email.

I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.


Simple eMail for Network Marketers

Hello [Friend],

My name is Paul Thompson and I am reaching out to your today because your web site suggest you are a serious network marketing professional.

As I'm sure you are very busy I'll get right to the point.

I'd like to share with you a VERY DIFFERENT and PROVEN method for developing a global weekly and monthly income.

There are two components to our success:

1) The Team Building Project (TBP)

2) The DubLi Network Business Opportunity

The TBP system exclusively promotes and supports the DubLi Network Business Opportunity by providing hands-on support and expert advice (FREE OF CHARGE) to all TBP members that join our DubLi Network team.

Please use the following link to learn more about the Team Building Project and DubLi Network business opportunity.


If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me directly.

Thank You!


Simple Tweet Examples

We're positioning people just like you for success! Check out DubLi Network for yourself and decide if it's the right business opportunity for you! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Tired of joining one opportunity after another? Check out DubLi Network and decide for yourself! http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Join one of the fastest growing home based business opportunities in the world. Learn more at: http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

Learn More About the DubLi Network Opportunity

Let's Keep Winning!

Stephen Scott
Founder - Team Building Project
DubLi Network Global Expansion Leader

One Global Team | One Global Opportunity | One Global Vision

This email has been sent to you as a member of the Team Building Project.
Please do not reply to this email as this address is not monitored.
Contact Us | Unsubscribe From Updates

Updated Zabang overview & invitation - 11/1/16
Mobile APPs - ZABANG http://zabang.com/affiliate/2150
3 Nov (12 days ago)

to me
Hi Paul,

We are fast approaching phase 2 of the launch of the
worlds finest new search engine .

In fact, I would have pulled the trigger by now except...
someone from the Web Summit (only the world's largest
and most respected tech conference in the world) read
about us on LinkedIn.

THE WEB SUMMIT LOVES US! So much that the board
voted on us ... and invited us to attend this year's congress,
coming up on the second week of November!

I'm sending my top three men to this... Our CTO, our
Business Development Director, and our Western
Europe Director of Partnerships.

Originally I had six launch strategies tied together
but now this is the 7th - and the biggest of them all.

It's like being nominated for an Oscar but your film is
the only one in the category of nominations. In our
case the only search engine. And, over 50,000
people (just last year attendees) traveled from all
over the world, Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 and
everyone else serious about this industry will be
there - and deals will be "flying".

See below if you would like to have some 'skin' in
the game. I have room for only two more full
"Silent Partners".

Any doubts just read below !!
When we launch your back office will have new marketing
tools to :
build your list of affiliates 2 levels deep, increasing your
odds of high over ride income and searches, because
when a searcher uses Zabang thru your affiliate link and
then become an advertiser you earn on their purchase
for the life of their account !!
Again 2 levels deep !

No other search engine shares its success like we do, NONE.

However before the next phase I wanted you truly appreciate
all we are doing for you with this comprehensive description
and private invitation .

I have formatted it so you may use it as a promo piece
just be certain to use your affiliate link below so people
can join as an affiliate under you and not under corp.

Lastly , I'm setting up a network of telesales companies
to call Business to Business and sell PPC .
This will be amazingly lucrative for these floors
and if you are instrumental in brokering the "deal "
your commission could set you up for life as its a
recurring commission/ you get paid every month
for the life of every new account .
My email address appears below , just let me know if you want
us at corporate to contact you with details ?

We are in the process of building the world's very first 100% exclusive mobile-site-only search engine called Zabang.com

In fact, we just went into affiliate pre-launch.

Can you imagine, a website built for the times, a search engine built for the times, that offers a 2-level affiliate program so people can actually for the very first time make money off these enormous profitable search engine sites and the timing couldn't be more perfect with the estimate of 90% of all internet traffic will be coming from a mobile device within the next three years. And we will share revenue with our affiliates.

Please allow me to explain exactly why Zabang.com will be a hit.

Up until now you and I, in order to get on the internet, (in fact, the amazing size of the internet is already mostly made up of people who have gone out and spent big money) for a PC or laptop and then additionally subscribe to an ISP so they could gain access to the internet.

But all of that is changing, and changing fast.

Today, with decent credit you can walk into any AT&T™ kiosk, Best Buy™, Verizon™ store and walk out with a pocket size pc/laptop that oh, by the way, you can make and take phone calls with and here's the big one - have immediate access to the internet!

It's amazing!

It's predicted that within the next three years that 90% of all internet traffic will come from mobile devices like smartphones and the same prediction from Cisco Systems Inc (cisco.com), a Fortune 100 company, says the internet will triple in size because of the smart phone evolution. You've just got to be a part of this.

So always trying to be ahead of the curve we have never had any problem investing big money in where we see the marketplace headed and I promise you the marketplace is indeed headed to a mobile world, and Zabang.com will be and is the only search engine in the world that will feature only 100% mobile friendly sites in their results.

No longer will anyone doing a search looking for anything at the other big three have to scour thru the listings looking for those that are mobile friendly and tap on just those. You see, a mobile phone user taps, a pc user clicks. And if it doesn't load fast on that tiny 4G network, about the speed of the old-fashioned dial up, and if it cannot be read easily because the font is too tiny or the paragraphs or lines are too long then guess what? The user is gone, they leave, a waste of that click money.

We have solved that problem. And the timing couldn't be more perfect.

We are not out to close the doors of Google™, Yahoo™, Bing™ - we are only out to provide another alternative successful advertising venue for clients to invest their advertising dollars in.

BTW, did you know Google™ posted sales of 16.1 Billion just in the last quarter?!!

You need to understand direct marketing just a bit here...

In the world of direct marketing every serious player is always on the hunt for that site or that list or that opportunity where they can invest money at window 'A' wait a day or two and go to window 'B' to collect their profits and their initial investment, then run back to window 'A' and reinvest.

People will still continue to buy advertising from our competitors but they will also spend those same dollars with us. I suspect they will invest more with us as we grow than they will with those competitors because the marketplace is moving closer to 100% mobile and Zabang.com is 100% mobile. That story will play out but it doesn't matter. Either way Zabang.com is destined to become a major force in the search engine business.

In Seth Godin's # 1 best seller book
"Purple Cow "
He outlines how any business
can grab BIG slices of any market share by:
1- Being BOLD ( mobile sites only )
2- Being Different ( the only search
engine with free affiliate program) and 2 levels at that . Affiliates
are paid on traffic they send that buys anything from us any time just using
out marketing tools , simple and clean !
3- Being extraordinary ( No matter what any one bids for a key word
they will occasionally appear at the top )
4 Be Remarkable (We even index apps!! ) NO OTHER SEARCH ENGINE DOES THIS !
5-Search clients will be given the chance to Vote on the results they get and this is how we index sites /based
upon the voting system rather than on how many clicks a site gets( which can be manipulated) but rather based upon what people think of the site/s. Unique and people in our poll loved this feature .
At FULL Launch time our slogan/USP will say "Search Zabang,
fast relevant, 100 % mobile friendly,
And where your opinion matters "

We Are Extraordinary

( example: Morton Salt (TM) used to own 100% of the salt industry, a boring business indeed, but now have lost 30% to "Sea Salt")
and its the same product, all salt comes from the sea originally, they just made bigger granules so customers could grind instead of sprinkling and gave it a new name.
And it took off, so will we !!! .

Can you imagine a search engine, the only one in the world, that pays it's affiliates on a two-level structure? Just for sending search clients to Zabang.com? It's those search clients who later become buyer clients. The search page will contain one link that will simply say 'advertising', exactly the same way that Google™ became the world's most successful and profitable internet business in the world.

Remember the last 1/4 report
ie: sales of 16.1 Billion!
That is way more than 1 Billion per WEEK .
Both Bing( tm) And Yahoo(tm) are also making billions $, there is plenty of room for our unique and exclusive approach.

The search page will also contain monthly one, two, or even three different products or services of the month to help the business owner develop, manage, run, advertise, etc their internet business. And the sale of those products and services will be commission-able to Zabang™ and those commissions will be shared with the affiliates on a 2-level basis.

Hear me out clearly... This is huge...


Zabang.com is being built from the ground up, the grass roots marketers, the people that make the internet successful and make it what it is today, will build Zabang™.

It's not being built by the Harvard MBA down, even though our CTO (Chief Technical Officer) does have a PhD in IT, we are building it from the grassroots foundation up. The internet will build Zabang.com into a monster.

Own Part of Zabang™

And if you think all this is exciting wait till I send you a private invitation to have an equity position in Zabang™ !!

There is too much hype and fraud on the net these days. So If you have "ANY" doubts about me I invite you to see :
- www.SearchMikeG.com
A fascinating read.

I have not asked for any of these comments, all sent voluntarily.

a little about me .

Hear me live and learn more about what we do

So please and soon,
Just send me your name and phone # and I'll call u first, then send you details. I have only a few more positions remaining .Please use
mtg@mysiteinc.com and this sub line: equity in Zabang

Mike G
Tap or Click Here www.iCanGet2.com to learn how you can earn up to $36,353 or more per month , inviting just 2 people or Less into a $14.95 per month program.
Mobile APPs - ZABANG http://zabang.com/affiliate/2150

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Below you will find your customizable messages.

To edit the messages quickly and easily just copy the code phrases below into the "find/replace" feature in your text editor. This is usually found under the "edit or search" menu at the top of the page.

------------- Instructions -------------

Here is a link to a quick video that will show you how to customize all of the messages in this set at one time: http://www.lisamcope.com/customizing-messages

- Highlight and copy the copy and paste phrases including the quotation marks. One at a time and paste them in to the "find what" box.

- Type your own information in to the "replace with" box.

- Click the “replace all” button.

You're done now just check to see if all of the information is correct and then paste your messages in to your follow up auto-responder and start sending it.

------------------------ Copy and paste phrases ------------------------

"autoresponder code here" (found in your autoresponder service)

"confirmation link" (found in your autoresponder service)

"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Best of luck with your ventures,


Conformation message:

Hello "autoresponder code here"

Thank you for your interest in receiving Social Marketing Quick Tips.

It is very important that you confirm your subscription so that we can start sending your messages.

Please take a minute and click the link below to confirm.

"confirmation link"

We will send your first tip as soon as we receive your conformation.

Remember we value your privacy. We will never rent, share or sell your email address.

"add your name here"



Subject line: Your First Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

Welcome to the first in a series of Social Marketing Quick Tips designed to help you quickly improve your social marketing campaigns. I appreciate you taking the time to confirm your subscription.

--------------------------------------------------- House Keeping - How Things Work ---------------------------------------------------

Over the next few days you will receive a several email's from me that
will include a quick tip that will help you learn exactly how you can successfully use social media to promote your business, products or services more effectively.

After the series is complete you will still receive emails from me from time to time that include additional tips, information, occasional gifts and product recommendations. These will continue for as long as you remain subscribed. Your email address will never be sold, shared or bombarded with unrelated or useless information.

I sincerely hope that you will find the information that I provide helpful and that you will become a happy, longtime associate. Now let's get down to the business of social marketing!

------------- First Tip -------------

Today's tip is all about shifting your focus:

When it comes to successful social marketing one of the biggest mistakes that many marketers make it that they are too focused on making money and not enough on socializing. As an end result they unknowingly spam their followers which often ends up in getting your posts ignored, blocked or even banned.

When it comes to social marketing it’s very important that you use social networks as they were intended (to socialize), especially if you want to see any real results from your efforts.

Always remember to socialize first and promote second! When you do this you will have no problem attracting hundreds, maybe even thousands of happy fans, friends and followers that will be interested in what you have to offer!

That's it for today's tip! Make sure you look for your next tip soon and thank you again for joining, "your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip. I hope you found the last one helpful.

Today's tip is all about socializing and building trust:

When it comes to social media marketing the most important thing you should do is to spend time socializing.

This should be obvious, but too many marketers skip this vital component when using social media to advertise their wares.

While it may take a bit of time to socialize, it is an important step of the process, because people aren't willing to pay attention to you and your marketing messages if they don’t know who you are.

You must make sure that you socialize with your friends fans and followers, especially if you want them to respond to your marketing message.

Think about it this way for a minute.

- Who would you trust more?

- The opinion of your friend, family, coworker

- Or the opinion of salesperson you just met.

The simple fact is that people will be much more likely to buy what you recommend if they trust you and you can earn their trust by socializing with them, letting them get to know you, only recommending quality products and posting useful information on a regular basis.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip.

Today's tip is all about Facebook:

Marketing on Facebook is fairly easy, but there are several different ways to go about it. The easiest way is by setting up fan pages, so that people can click the "like" button and follow your updates.

It's important that your fan page has a purpose if you want it to be successful. You must have a specific plan for your pages because people won't click that button unless they like what they see.

Once you have created a great looking fan page make sure that you regularly post tips, gifts and links to videos on the page to keep people coming back to read and comment often. You can even run contest to encourage participation.

If you are stuck for ideas just login to your Facebook account and do a search for your top keywords and see what others in your market are doing on their fan pages.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip. I hope you are learning a lot from these little tips.

Today's tip is all about providing useful information:

When you are trying to market your products or services successfully with social media, one very important thing that you should always do is posting useful and interesting information on a regular basis.

This actually has two major benefits;

1. It makes people like you, because people love getting free stuff.

2. It establishes you as an expert, because it proves you know what you’re talking about within your niche.

While you can’t always post a lot of information on some of the social networks themselves, you can create helpful posts, free reports and ebooks then post it on your blog and use one of the many free applications available to update to all of your social network profiles at one time letting all of your followers and fans know about the new content.

By doing this on a regular basis you will build your reputation of someone that really know what they are talking about.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip. I hope you found the last one helpful.

Today's tip is all about content ratio:

When it comes to promoting products and services with social media there is no magic ratio when it comes to the amount of ads versus the amount of content that you put out there.

It can vary from niche to niche, and also based on your target market demographic. Some markets will respond kindly to a 2 to 1 ratio of content versus advertising messages, while other markets will become extremely angry if they get a marketing message for every two content posts. A good way to play it safe is ratio of at least 5 to 1.

By posting at least five quality content messages for every one marketing message, you will make it much easier for people to deal with the marketing, and they will pay more attention, too!

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for another quick social media tip.

Today's tip is all about Twitter traffic:

Marketing on Twitter is very easy, but you must be aware that it doesn't always yield the desired result unless it is done properly.

Twitter marketing has to be approached in a completely different way than other forms of advertising because Twitter limits the size of posts to just 140 characters.

This means you must keep your posts very short. This means you can’t ramble on endlessly. You have to get to the point and do it in a way that peeks your followers interest and get them to click!

It’s a very good idea to read your Twitter page daily and respond to messages that your followers post.

By interacting with them directly, you can establish friendships. This is very important, because your followers can “re-tweet” (RT) your messages to their own followers, potentially allowing you to reach a wider audience.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip. I hope you found the last one helpful.

Today's tip is all about contests:

Contests are a fantastic way to get a lot of people to join your fan page!

People really enjoy entering contests, especially if they are easy to enter and have great prizes. You can even specifically state that the prize will be awarded when you hit a certain number of followers. This way you can get people post the contest to their wall in order to get more entries, which will help the contest go viral.

That way you don’t have to award the prize unless you reach your target number of followers. Just be sure to keep the target number realistic, otherwise people won't enter because they will feel the contest is a scam.

Another great way to use contests for marketing is to actually give away one of whatever you are selling. If you have your own product, this is even more effective. Your entire contest can revolve around giving away a copy of your product, which will bring a lot of publicity and recognition to the product.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

Today's tip is all about MySpace:

Did you know that MySpace was the first really massive social network? It literally gained millions of users its first few months online.

Their format was simple, but effective, and their growth was an internet phenomenon.

Unfortunately, their rules made it very difficult for marketers to use the site without getting banned. Even a hint of marketing could sometimes
attract the ban hammer, so it became very tricky to use them for marketing purposes.

However you can still market on MySpace, but you have to be careful. One easy way to market to people on MySpace is to simply direct people to your blog whenever you make a blog post. This usually won't get you banned, although it can if you are too obvious.

Once you get people to your blog, you’re free to market to them however you choose.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip.

Today's tip is all about using Bebo:

Bebo.com is the largest social network that specifically targets the UK and Ireland.

They have millions of users, but most of them are from the UK. If you have products or services that are specifically directed to residents of these areas, Bebo.com can be a great place for social marketing!

Bebo users are relatively friendly for marketing. In face you can use Facebook marketing tactics on Bebo because they are very similar in structure.

The best way to market on Bebo is to create a profile page for your business or product. Just like with Facebook and Twitter the most successful profile are the ones that actually offer something back to the

For instance; freebies, contests, games and useful widgets will to win over more Beboer’s than a marketing message every time.

Remember, when it comes to social media marketing, no one wants to interact with an advertisement. They want to interact with you!

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

Today's tip is all about LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a business network that is meant primarily for business professionals as a place to connect with one another and market tier products and services in a (B2B) business to business environment.

It’s a great way to connect and network with business owners and people in a mutually beneficial way!

You can add links to your websites, blogs and other social profiles. You can also set up groups that are similar to Facebook fan pages, and you can also have other recommend your services in exchange for you recommending theirs.

LinkedIn also has a lot of authority on Google and other popular search engines. If you currently have a LinkedIn profile, try doing a search for yourself on Google. There is a good bet that it will show up on the first page of results.

That is authority ranking and you don't want to miss out on it!

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for another great tip.

Today's tip is all about Friendster

Friendster is pretty friendly toward marketers, especially within groups. If you want to market on Friendster, it’s a good idea to set up a group that you can use.

Groups basically work like Facebook fan pages, so use the same basic tactics you would use on Facebook. Set up a group around a specific topic, and hold contests to gain followers.

Friendster has a higher percentage of younger members compared to Facebook, which has users from all age groups. If your target demographic is comprised primarily of people between 18-34, Friendster will work well for your business.

That's it for today's tip. Look for your next tip soon!

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"



subject line: Another Great Social Marketing Quick Tip

Hello "autoresponder code here",

It’s time for your next Social Marketing Quick Tip.

Today's tip is all about Hi5 and Orkut:

Both of these networks are contenders. Ranking in the top 10 of all social networking sites. That alone makes them worth joining from a business point of view.

Much like Friendster, Hi5 caters to a younger crowd with a very interactive environment.

On Hi5 it's your profile page that will put you ahead of the game. There you can add information, links, pictures and more. You can also take advantage of invitations, notifications, friend updates, and other methods that will help you market your business using viral techniques.

Orkut is Google’s attempt at social networking and is still in its infancy. There you create your profile, upload photos, create albums and add apps. You can also add scraps which are things like YouTube URLs, widgets and podcasts which are meant specifically for your friends.

One other nice feature that Orkut has is the “ask a friend” feature. This allows you to post a question and get responses from your friends. It works like a mini poll and is a great way to collect data and feedback.

While neither of these social networks are as popular as Facebook, Twitter or MySpace they are well worth taking a look at for any business.

That's it for today's tip.

Until then, "add your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

========================================== Legal Notice

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this course, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in this course.

This course is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this course.

Add Affiliate Income to Your Current Home Based Business
Another home business idea is to add related affiliate programs to your current home business. You might sell your own product, but want to add other products or services without adding to your labor. Affiliate marketing programs can enhance your income without adding more work or products. You can add affiliate links to your current website and receive commissions every time someone makes an affiliate purchase.
You might ask, “What’s the best home based business with affiliates?” This is a difficult question because everyone is different. You have to consider what you enjoy doing and the types of products or services that interest you. I personally prefer Online Tools providers like Buildabizonline and Got Backup. These type of programs will be around long after most have fizzled out.
So find something you love doing so you won’t burn out after a year or so. Discover home business opportunities that not necessarily pay well BUT give you a sense of fulfillment every day.
With an Internet home business and affiliate marketing programs, you’ll soon enjoy the chalange and who knows, maybe it could turn into a full time income like mine.
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DubLi Network is an exceptional opportunity with perfect timing and positioning PLUS, I'm also using the Team Building Project system (free to use) to fuel the growth of my DubLi Network business. It's the best support system (TEAM) I've ever had and I'm truly grateful. http://www.teambuildingproject.com/17760

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