Friday 10 February 2012

World Water Day

World Water DayTOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
How much water should I drink every day?

Start the day with a cup of hot water with a good squeeze of fresh lemon. This will give your digestive system a real boost.Water can help with dieting. Drinking water often curbs the appetite and it is calorie free.The amount you should drink each day depends on several factors including climate, physical activity and diet. The UK Food Standards Agency recommends that "in a moderate climate, such as the UK, we need to drink at least 6/8 cups/glasses of water (or other fluid) to prevent dehydration. In hotter climates your body will need more fluids. This means approximately 2.5 litres a day for the average person." Why not have a go at our hydration calculator to work out how much you should be drinking?
Instead of caffeine and alcohol, drink water. Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics and cause the body to lose water.
Throughout the day have water constantly available; keep a water bottle on your desk so you can top up your glass throughout the day and carry a bottle of water with you when you are on the go.
Create a daily schedule; drink a glass after breakfast, one before lunch etc. You may want to track your water intake, why not download our pop up and screen saver to ensure that you drink enough water!
If you are cold, drink warm water instead of coffee or tea which can dehydrate you.
Don’t forget to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables as these have a high water content and will contribute to your daily water intake.
Your body is 50-60% water. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day helps your body function properly.
When you are dehydrated your attention and concentration can decrease by 13% and short term memory by 7%. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day helps to improve your concentration.
Another simple way to check that you are drinking enough fluid is to check the colour of your urine. The more transparent it is, the more hydrated you are. You should seek to produce urine that is 'very pale yellow', 'pale yellow' or 'straw coloured'.
Drinking water before any physical activity will help keep your heart rate and body temperature lower.TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...

Flavouring Concentrates For Blending Flavored Water:
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TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water...
Water is the ultimate beauty product; dehydrated skin looks older than it is. Drink lots to keep your skin looking younger and more vibrant.

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