Saturday 4 February 2012

Stop Pushing, and Start Engaging with Marketwire

1 comment:

  1. What is the Perfect Diet Drink?

    The perfect diet drink is water and Yum Drops®; 0 carbs, 0 calories 0 Fat.

    What is "The Perfect Thirst Quencher"?

    Water has been proven to be the only real thirst quencher. Trouble with some pre-bottled beverages is they are loaded with sugar and after a while, you can't drink it, it's just too sweet.

    Any recent studies to validate these two claims?

    Men's Health March 2009 ran a study by the University of NC. It claims the average person is consuming 450 calories a day in beverages. That's 29 a pounds a year you either have to lose of put on. See out story line for full article.
