Monday 2 January 2012

Solutions Network Financial Services

There is no shame in falling down... The only shame is in not getting back up.
If you have Real Issues...
You need to speak to a Real Person.
For a Free No Obligation Consultation

877 604 6636  Ext 601
When calling, please reference
Service ID #
If you feel you're falling... Let Us Help        
The Solutions Network

Financial Services Network
Our Commitment is Simple-- Find the Best Strategies and Solutions For YOU!
You Don't Have to Lose Your Home!
You Don't Have to be Burdened with Exorbitant House Payments!
You Don't Have to Be Stuck With High Interest Rates
You Don't Have to be Saddled with a Home that's Worth Less than You Owe

Are you Losing Your Home?  Behind in Payments?  Owe More than your House is Worth?
Ultimately, you want an outcome that is Good for You and Good for Your Family-- That's what we want, too.

Our overarching objective is to solve your Mortgage and Real Estate Issues in a manner that fits your needs and at a cost you can afford.
After All... A Solutions that's Not Affordable... Is No Solution at All.

 In most cases, our synergy of professions can facilitate an outcome that provides... all inclusive financial strategy and resolution, that will incorporate the saving of your home (if you so choose), or thepostponement of foreclosure for the maximum term, while living rent  free (up to two years from first missed payment), then upon the vacating of the property, financial restitution to you-- all in conjunction with a concurrent resurrection of credit status, while freeing yourself of debt.

There is a Solution and We Will Find It
Every problematic real estate home loan or equity situation is different…  Proper solutions and required strategies can vary like night and day. 

We are a network of professionals spanning many financial fields.  This gives us an unparalleled synergy that allows for the types of unique and effective strategic solutions that are imperative for today’s complicated issues.  Additionally, our financial and business diversity affords us the luxury, of having no incentive to do anything other than provide the very best solutions and strategies for addressing your situation.

For example, when faced with identical problems:
                The real estate agent will tell you to “short sale” your home.
                The loan officer will tell you to refinance your home.
                The bankruptcy attorney will tell you to file a chapter 13.
                The debt negotiator will tell you to attempt a restructuring of your debt.

In fact, the proper solution might be a combination of the above.
However, as long as the “expert” has an incentive or knowledge base that is insufficient to the capacity to sell or provide anything other than their particular service, it’s not always possible to know that you are getting an objective, accurate opinion...  an opinion that truly has your best interests at heart… You simply can not know that you are being provided with the analysis and strategy that is truly effective based on the dictates of your unique situation.
Because we handle all aspects of real estate and financial issues, we have the luxury of being able to give you the best strategy based on the dictates of your situation with no fear of losing business.  Why?
Whatever the needs of your situation require, our Network of Professionals provides it.

Solutions Network Financial Services
Our Network of business and finance professionals run the gamut of Court and Financial Related Services, thus lending ourselves to a creativity and flexibility, heretofore unheard of.  These areas of expertise include but not limited to…
Our diversity obviates the natural tendency of many companies towards a “one solution fits all problems” bias.

Unlike companies that provide only one particular service and therefore have a financial interest in convincing you that their service isthe answer to your problems... Our Network provides all relevant viable services and options to credit, debt, real estate, family and many other issues... 

Our diversity affords us the luxury of giving you the straight, unadulterated truth as to what your best course of action should be. 

We have no incentive to sway you in one direction or another. 
We analyze the facts, offer our opinions and options, then let you decide, based on an objective analysis of all viable options.

And what’s more, regarding every service we provide, we are dedicated to making them affordable.

We often hear…
“That attorney told me his fees were $1,800 dollars...  heck… if I had $1,800 dollars I wouldn’t have to file Bankruptcy!”  You will never feel compelled to make that statement to...  or about us.

Following is a quick comparison of services and fees.

Debt Negotiation
$3,500 or more
$ 1,500 payment plan available
$1,500 - $5,000
$295 - $800 payment plan available
Credit Repair
$1,200 or more
$ 400  approximately
Tax Preparation
Varies with Complexity
Always about two third’s of competitor fees
And we pride ourselves on finding the hard to find deductions that minimize liability and maximize Refunds.

The Solutions Network-- Real People Solving Real Problems.
 Call us Toll Free for a Free No Obligation Consultation
 877 604 6636 ext 601
            When calling, please reference Service ID#

There is a Solution and We Will Help You Find It.
The perfect solution, the best strategy is always dependent upon the full details of your situation…

Are you current, behind, how far behind, has a notice of default been filed? Is there a sale date, do you owe more than the home is worth? Do you have equity, if so how much?

And of course, what are you actually trying to accomplish?  Save the home?  Stay there as long as possible without making payments, keep the home, but lower the payments, lower the principle?

Your financial situation, in combination with your personal objectives is what dictates the precise course of action.  Our goal is not to look out for the interests of your creditors, your lender or anyone else...  We have one goal, one objective—to create the best strategy to accomplish your objectives given the facts at hand.

Let us know, about your situation and what you are trying to accomplish. 
We’ll give you an honest assessment of what can and can’t be done.  Then formulate a strategy that is guaranteed to create the very best possible outcome.

Call us Toll Free for a Free No Obligation Consultation
 877 604 6636 ext 601
            When calling, please reference Service ID#

In spite of what you may have heard or thought.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  
We’re there to help you find it.
Preventing the loss of your home could be easier than you think. A little financial expertise can solve many of the major problems that lead toforeclosure. It includes the art of negotiating with your current lender on your behalf to address problems which would otherwise cause you to lose your home. The best strategy for using mortgage negotiation service depends largely on which of these problems is your greatest challenge.
1. Are your mortgage payments too high?
If your payments are too high, it could be due either to the loan balance or to your interest rate. If it's because of your loan balance, it may be possible to lower your payments by reducing the principal loan balance.
2. Is your interest rate too high? 
Maybe your payments are too high primarily because of the interest rate. If you find the interest rate overly high - even if you are current on payments - the bank may be willing to consider lowering your interest rate.
3. Do you owe more than the home is worth? Or is there too little equity to refinance? 
This is a common problem: particularly in hard hit states like Ohio, Florida, and California and some major cities like Baltimore, MD. If you have been turned down for a refinance recently because you didn't have enough equity, There's good news: a mortgage negotiator can help persuade the lender to work out an agreeable solution.
4. Are you behind on your mortgage payments? 
Depending on the situation, your lender may not take your case seriously until you are several months behind. However, there are certain other solutions available to you only if you are current on your mortgage payments. Hence the importance of enlisting this service as early on as possible. You need help to keep all your options open as long as possible. 
5. Are you are recovering from a crisis? 
Were you recently between jobs, or are you recovering from an illness that caused you to fall behind on your mortgage payments? Do you believe you could keep up with your mortgage payments and other bills from now on? Your lender may be willing to work out agreeable terms to keep you in your home.
6. Are you retired, on a fixed income? 
Were you turned down recently for a reverse mortgage? Were you told that you don't have enough equity? It may be possible to overcome these hurdles and qualify for a reverse mortgage after all!
7. Has your refinance been denied? 
No matter the reason, it may be possible to work something out with the lender on the current loan so that the terms become tolerable and there is no longer the pressing need to refinance. New government loan program requirements may deem you eligible for refinance once again. Your negotiator should be able to point you to the right mortgage broker with expertise in this area.
Request For Consultation.
or you call us toll free
877 604 6636 Ext 601
Please Reference Service ID
First NameLast Name
Phone 2Service ID
What is Your Primary Concern?  Check All That Apply
Behind on Payments
Notice of Default Filed
Sale Date Set
Payments too High
Owe More Than Home's Value
What is Your Current Intent Regarding the Home
Let the Lender Have It
Lower My Payments
Short Sale It (sell for less than owed)
Live in it Rent Free as Long as  Possible
What is the Property Status
Reasonable Estimates are Sufficient
Payments are Current
Payments are Behind
If behind, how many months
Monthly Payment Amount
Approximate Value of Home
How Much Still Owed Against Home
Anything Else We Should Know?

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