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The Whole Child. #002--Building a habit

The Whole Child, Issue #002 -- Building a habit
February 19, 2006

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The Whole Child e-zine brings you free preschool activities each week to maximize your child's potential, build skills and parent-child relationships in just a few minutes per day. Useful tips, quotes, resources, opportunities and articles will added for extra value!
If you enjoy this e-zine, please pay it forward and send it to a friend. If you received THE WHOLE CHILD from a friend and you would like to subscribe, please sign up at Shirley's Preschool Activities.

19 February 2006, Issue #002
1. Hello from Shirley
2. Updates at Shirley's Preschool Activities

3. Opportunities for you
4. Tips
6. Week 2 Readiness Activities

1.Hello from Shirley
I think the first issue of The Whole Child ezine went out without any hiccups, let's hope I can keep it up.
Each week so far, I have had to learn to manage new functions in the software that I am using, which for someone not very technical is a bit of a challenge - but a challenge that gives me a great sense of accomplishment once I have mastered it!
So, how did your first week of readiness activities go? I have not yet established a habit of doing them consistently each day with my 'littlies' but we are working on that!

2. Updates at Shirley's Preschool Activities

This week I have been building pages on my site that will make the free menu planner that I have written, PREPARED TO COOK available to download as an e-book.
Someone told me where to find a website that converts documents into pdf files free and I succeeded in doing that the other night. Another notch on my belt of technical accomplishments!
PREPARED TO COOK consists of 6 weeks worth of 6 main meal recipes per week, plus the corresponding shoppping list to make meal planning a breeze.
If you need it, you can read more and subscribe at Prepared to Cook

3.Opportunities for you

Last week I asked you if wouldn't like a little extra income each month and I started telling you about our story.
I told you that in December of 2003 my husband and I read a book about planning to be financially fre*e that changed our outlook on life forever. The book was Robert Kyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad
(Use the link above to preview this book at
We realised that the old ‘get a good education, so you can get a good job’ story that we had heard all our lives is, no longer a guarantee of security or the way to financi*al free*dom and that we realised that we need to find and build sources of PASSIVE INCOME – where our money works for us, so that we don’t have to work for money for the rest of our lives.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad and a few other books by Kyosaki and others gave him (and me) a bigger, clearer picture of how to achieve this.
Use this link to preview Rich Dad, Poor Dad at
As a homeschooling mom, I have wanted to share what I have learned in the 8 years that I have been homeschooling with others who are just starting out on the homeschooling journey. As a South African homeschool curriculum provider, I am often in contact with new homeschool parents and I wanted to find a way to be able to share with them the books I have read and other resources that have helped me to educate and parent my children.
In August 2005, changes in South African government legislation affecting business owners led Riaan and I to join Business Warriors, an online community of over 20 000 small businesses, standing together to help one another and have their voice heard. Here, besides a lot of other valuable info about crash-proofing small businesses, I learned a bit more about the importance of a website and internet marketing for any online or offline business…and my mind shifted gears...
(If you are a South African business owner, you might be interested inCrashproof Your Business by Peter Carruthers – this book is a real eye-opener!)
More next week...

4. Tips

I thought I'd give you another tip about removing bubble-gum.
To remove bubble gum from fabric
To remove gum from clothes or other fabric items, harden the gum by applying an ice cube to it. You could place the ice-cube inside a plastic bag to do this, if you don't want to wet the fabric. You should be able to scrape away the hardened gum from the fabric with a dull blade.

5. Quote

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

6. Readiness Activities

Copy and paste these activities into a new document, print and paste where you will see them daily.
Language and thinking – classification
Look around your home and ask your child to name as many things as he can see that are:
Made of wood
Made of fabric
Made to wear
Made to use
Give light
Give heat
Made to store things
Can be eaten etc.
Gross motor skills - balance, laterality
Let your child pretend she is walking a tight rope. Either place a piece of rope along the floor, or alternatively let her walk along a line between tiles, or the around the edge of a mat, or the joins in the concrete on the sidewalk.
As a variation, let her criss-cross her feet on either side of the line: start standing on the left of the line. Cross the left foot to the other side of the line and then cross the right foot back to the left side of the line and so on.
Visual perception & fine motor skills – colour perception, colour constancy
Create a colour-coded scrap book with your child. Make a page for each colour, by writing the name of the colour with a crayon or marker of that colour on the top of the page. Begin with the 3 primary colours, red, yellow and blue, then create a page for the secondary colours, green, orange and purple.
Let your child cut out items in shades of each colour and glue them into her colour scrap-book. Keep this book for future activities. This activity need not be completed in one day.
Mathematical skills
Play easy games that require using dice, like ludo or snakes and ladders.
Faith building
Continue reading a Bible story to your child each day. Answer any questions your child may ask as honestly as possible. If she asks something you are not sure about, then tell her that or tell her you don’t know. Children soon find out when adults are bluffing them! When asked questions like ‘where is heaven?’ tell your child that you don’t know, but that we’ll all find out when we go there!
Auditory perception
Make an effort to expose your child to good quality music with complex musical patterns. Listen to musical stories which you can buy or borrow from the library.
Here are some suggestions:
Peter and the Wolf  - preview on
Peter and the Wolf - DVD -preview on
Peter and the Wolf - CD - preview on
Bernstein's Favorites - Classics for Children  - preview on
This CD contains the story of Peter and the Wolf as well as The Carnival of the Animals and The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra.
Barbie of Swanlake - DVD - preview on
Barbie of Swanlake  - DVD - preview on
Barbie in the Nutcracker - DVD - preview on
Barbie in the Nutcracker  - DVD - preview on
Barbie in the Nutcracker - video - preview on
The Sound of Music - DVD format - preview on
The Sound of Music - CD format - preview on
The Sound of Music  - DVD - preview on
The Sound of Music - CD
Annie - DVD format - preview on
Annie - CD format - preview on
Annie  - DVD - preview on
Annie - CD

The All Solutions Network consists of a unique Multi-Prong Bonus structure that pays you not only for business production generated by your free website and the free websites of each of your down line members, but also the production, purchases and sales of every member in our entire network.  Our unique Infinity Fund allows you to earn an income before your down line has has produced even one dime of business volume!

    And remember-- almost from the moment you sign up for your free membership and free website, you are eligible to share in the Infinity Fund.  No need to wait for the development of a large down line and business volume.  From almost the moment you join, a check can be waiting for you!-- See Infinity Fund below.

As we'll now see, this unique system offers more ways to earn money than anything ever before offered.

How Do I Make Money?
The Solutions Network provides more ways to make money than any other business of which I'm aware.  There are other Sections below that will detail the specifics of the many programs and the amounts of commission per sale, plus, details of how you earn even from products or services that you just give away.  But for now, to make it simple, following are the basic principles of how you you make money.
Build an organization, (downline) of members from whom you earn overrides on each and every purchase, sale, quote, free trial, etc... made by everyone in your organization through a full 10 levels.  How do you build an organization?  JUST GIVE AWAY WEBSITES.  As many as you can.  Your Fast Start Guide shows you how!
Commissions,  You earn varying amounts of commissions for each product or service purchased from your website.  Anywhere from making $10 for selling a CREDIT REPAIR KIT from your site... to $1,500 or so for a home loan.  You even make money on many of the absolutely free services that are provided.  So, use the many free advertising sites that we provide for you to promote your site, and it's services.  See Marketing Basics for money making services, pre written ads and pre made links to your money making pages.
Infinity Fund Bonuses, through our unique Infinity Fund system you actually earn money from every purchase and sale that is made... not just from YOUR site, or the sites of your downline, but from every purchase and sale of every site in the entire ASN organization-- of over 100,000 sites.  This system makes it so simple, that you can actually earn your first check even before you've created ANY downline, Made ANY sales, or even made any purchases.
FIRST-- Where and how do you earn your money?  The beauty of our system is that unlike Networking companies of the past where those at the top earn from those at the bottom and those at the bottom are pretty much out of luck, our system turns it all upside down.  Of course, the top earns from the bottom, but the bottom also earns from the top.
Our system equalizes and dampens any inequalities that may have been historically inherent in Network Marketing.

With our multi-faceted system you make money from every purchase and every sale that is made from each and every website in the entire All Solutions Network.  Whether a person joined with you, after you, or even before you.  You make money from every bit of business activity in the network.

SECOND-- Specifically, what products and services does your website offer?  Everything!  Yes, I know, that sounds like kind of a broad generality, but it’s pretty accurate.  Seriously, your site offers virtually everything!  Even things that you wouldn’t generally think possible…

Car Sales?  Yes.  Car Loans?  Yes.  Home Loans?  Yes.  Stereos?  Yes.  Viagra?  Yes.  Soma?  Yes.  Contact lenses?  Yes.  Health Insurance?  Yes.  Exercise equipment?  Yes.  Computers?  Yes.  Flowers? Yes.   Free Photo Personals?  Yes.  Diapers?  Yes.  Toys? Yes.  Auto Insurance?  Yes.  Auto Loans?  Yes. Pay Day Loans?  Yes... And the list goes on and on and on…

There is virtually nothing that you can think of that can’t be purchased from your website.  And remember, you make money from every purchase and every sale made from every website and every member in the entire Solutions Network!

 The best marketing system in the world doesn’t do much good if you don’t have a product or service that people want.  That is one of principles that make this such an incredible opportunity.  The products and services your website provides are wanted and needed and consistently used by everyone!

What are they? And how much do you earn from them?

With ASN, You Earn In Many Ways

1        COMMISSIONS--You earn commissions (and points which also earn money), on the sales of ASN products or services made from your website-- i.e. bankruptcies, credit repair,, etc...

2        POINTS-- You earn points from the purchase, sales, quotes, free trials, etc that are made or ordered from your site.  The number of points you have determines how many of our infinity fund bonuses and levels of override you qualify for.

3        GROUP BONUS OVERRIDES-- You earn overrides based on the Points generated from all purchase, sales, quotes, free trials, etc that are made or ordered from your Downline Business Organization (Sites that you gave away, i.e. Down line).  These are paid to you through your Group Bonuses.  You are paid through up to each of 10 Levels down at a rate of 5% to 10% of the points generated from each of these levels.
The Number of levels you earn from, is dependent on how many points you or your personal site earns.
4 points and you earn through 3 levels.
8 points and you earn through 6 levels.
15 points and you earn though a full 10 levels.
For each new “store” you open (Free Website Given Away),  you earn 10% of all the points PV that it generates.
This is your First Level.
For each new “store” opened by your First Level Stores, you earn 5% of the PV. This is your Second Level.
From Third level stores you earn 5%
From Fourth level stores you earn 5%
From Fifth level stores you earn 5%
From Sixth level stores you earn 7%
From Seventh level stores you earn 8%
From Eighth level stores you earn 9%
From Ninth level stores you earn 10%
From Tenth level stores you earn 10%
80% Paid to Members-- Approximately 80% of the Solutions Network income is paid to the network members in the form of...
Infinity Bonuses- paid in the form of 6 separate bonuses.
Group Bonuse Overrides paid through 10 levels.


1        If a product or service is ordered from YOUR site, it earns you money.  The amount of payment depends on the product or service.

2        If a product or service is ordered from one of your distributor’s site, (a website you gave away), your distributor gets paid for that order.  PLUS you get paid for it via your group bonuses and increased infinity bonuses..  The amount depends on the product or service.

3        If a product or service is ordered from THAT DISTRIBUTOR’S SITE, That distributor gets paid the commission, Your distributor gets paid, and YOU get paid.  You get paid through a full 10 Levels deep from distributor’s free websites.

4        If a product or service is ordered from the website of the person who gave you your website (Your Sponsor), part of that income is placed into the INFINITY FUND for payment to you and other members.  So, you make money.

5        If a product or service is ordered from the website of the person who gave your sponsor THEIR website, money is placed into the INFINITY FUND.  So, again, you make money.

 With ASN, you literally earn from every purchase, sale, quote, and free trial ordered from every member, every site and every visitor to the entire Solutions Network!


HOME LOANS—Your website offers home loans.  Both purchases and refi’s.  We have an incredible assortment of home loans that fit low income, no down, and even bad credit purchasers.  We do things on a daily basis that other lenders simply can’t.

You earn from about $300 to $1,500 per funded loan that originates from your website.  Plus, the same amount is allocated to your Group Business Volume.  This means that if a loan originates from your site, you earn $300 to $1,500.  If it originates from the sites of any of your distributors, or theirs thru 10 levels, you are paid the percentage allocated to that level’s business volume. Example- 10 levels deep into your organization a loan funds and it equaled $1,500 PV.  The owner of that website would earn $1,500, and since you earn 10% of the PV on your 10th level you would earn $150 from that loan.

CREDIT REPAIR-- Our credit repair services work.  We have many people who had substantial credit issues, who after going through our services were able to buy homes and cars with nothing down.

You earn $30 for every Credit Repair Service that originates from your website.  Plus, from the sale of any Credit Repair Service, 40% of PV or about $120 is allocated to Group Business Volume.  This means that if an order originates from the sites of any of your distributors, or theirs thru 10 Levels, $120 is allocated to your Group Bonus and you get paid the percentage allocated for that level. So, if someone even 10 Levels down from you purchased or sold a credit repair service, you'd earn 10% of about $120  or about $12.  Imagine the income you will earn from all the products and services that we provide after you have developed a substantial down line.
Remember, we have hundreds of members with 500 or more in their down line.  And we are just beginning!

ALSO, about 10% of the PV (in this case PV equals about $120) of every Credit Repair Service ordered from any free website throughout the entire All Solutions Network is placed into the INFINITY FUND for payment to members.

ALSO, 40% of the PV of every Credit Repair Service ordered from company sites as opposed to an individual member site, is paid to the INFINITY FUND for payment to members.

CREDIT REPAIR KIT-- For those who would rather do it on their own.

The owner of website from which the Credit Repair Kit originates earns $10.  Plus, 40% of PV is allocated to  Group Business Volume.  Plus, 10% of the PV is placed into the Infinity Fund, Plus, 60% of the PV of every Credit Kit ordered from company sites is placed into the Infinity Fund.

BANKRUPTCY-- We prepare all forms necessary for the filing.  All the customer has to do is file it at the local courthouse.

The owner of website from which the Bankruptcy originates earns $30.  Plus, $120 is allocated to that person’s Group Business Volume.  Plus, 10% of the PV is placed into the Infinity Fund, Plus, 40% of the PV of every order from the company sites is placed into the Infinity Fund.

WILLS—We will prepare a Last Will and Testament that insures property is distributed the way that the Testator, desires, not as the state deems best.  It will be valid in all 50 states.

The owner of website from which the Will originates earns $10.  Plus, $5 is allocated to that person’s Group Business Volume.  Plus, 10% of the PV is placed into the Infinity Fund, Plus, 40% of the PV of every order from the company sites is placed into the Infinity Fund.

DIVORCE/DISSOLUTION—We can prepare a Low Cost Divorce or dissolution in all 50 states.  (coming soon)

MERCHANDISE LINE-- We provide a huge assortment of items ranging from toys to tools, to luggage and watches.  Always great prices and great quality.
On orders of over $50 or more retail, a 20% commission is paid to you.  Plus...
40% of the purchase’s PV is allocated to that Distributor’s Group Business Volume.  Plus, 10% of the PV is placed into the Infinity Fund, Plus, 40% of the PV of every order from the company sites is placed into the Infinity Fund.
To see your merchandise site see

NUTRITIONAL LINE—Huge quality line ranging from weight reduction systems, multi-vitamins and minerals, body building nutrients, antioxidants and the latest biological technologies.  TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED WHILE LOOKING FOR A BETTER SUPPLIER-- to allow for higher commissions to you.


ASN Charity Assistance
Through our Charity Assistance Program, YOU can serve fund-raisers importantly... and capture your own share of this huge, lucrative market.  And you can do it almost entirely by email and internet!
The Charity receives 20% of all sales, and because they become your first level, you receive 10% of all PV generated from the potentially hundreds of monthly purchases.
Click here to see how it works
Click Here to see what Fund Raising Organizations see


In today's economy, millions of people need to improve their credit.  Credit Repair Works! And the manuals that we provide are cutting edge.  They include absolutely the most effective techniques available.  Many have used these techniques to improve their score by over 200 points.  We usually sell this for $49.95.  If your customers take advantage of this offer they get it for free-- AND YOU ACCUMULATE 5 POINTS FOR EACH ONE YOU GIVE AWAY.

So how does it work?  To fix one's credit, it is absolutely necessary to have a copy of their credit report.  If they get their credit report from us... FOR FREE-- they get, not only a Free Vacation Cert,  but a voucher for $300 in gas  $300 Groceries and Free Vacation Certificate.
Many people will decide that they need Credit Restoration Services, when they purchase thos services.  That means you get paid $30, for just having given away the FREE Manual.
Others will decide that their situation is more in need of a Bankruptcy.  Again, you earn money, and they get low cost professional services.
The more Manuals you give away, the more money you make and the more of you ASN services you sell!

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