Sunday 8 January 2012

Paul Thompson's blog - ASN-Finance-There is no shame in falling down... The only shame is in not getting back up.

Paul Thompson's blog - ASN-Finance-There is no shame in falling down... The only shame is in not getting back up.

ASN Preparing for the BEST Year Ever!
ASN has always been the easiest way to make money on the web... but best is getting even better!
Make sure you see
Newest Overview, Training and Simplification
NON-US Member Important Notes.
Our techs are hard at work at improving the one aspect of ASN that had created some difficulty for some members i.e. the requirement of registering points.

Historically, because we work with hundreds of companies, each with their own separate secure server it had been IMPOSSIBLE to create a cross platform communication. Consequently, if you made a purchase from Walmart, the only way we could know it was you, was by our "registration" process.

This issue is 99% solved and ASN will soon be 100% easier and more profitable. The easier an activity is, the more it will be used. Beginning about the middle of January we expect that the requirement of registering will no longer exist. However, it will still exist as an incentive for your visitors to use your site, i.e. they must register to get access to the many vacation packages and other promotional items we offer.
Just USE it and SHARE it.
No more waiting for a confirmation email to show up in your inbox.
No more copying and pasting or entering information before submitting.

What Will The New Process Be??
Simply make sure that any purchase or activity you undertook originated from the link or banner on your site!
That's it, if you get the quote, trial, or purchase from the BANNER or LINK on your site, you get credit.
When someone visits your site? If they get a quote, trial, or purchase from the BANNER or LINK on your site, you get credit. When you or others use your site, you get credit and you earn... It's that simple.
To get credit, the purchase, trial or quote MUST have originated from the banner or link on your site.
ASN can only award points and commissions based on what the various companies remit to us. If a purchase does not originate from the banner or link on your site, we don't receive credit so cannot award credit.

We mention this, because if you are not careful, you will lose money! Members often forget, that's why making this your home page is so important. Click Here to Make This Your Home Page! Here are a couple of common mistakes that don't earn that I've seen many members make (including my own wife). Don't let this happen to you...
You made a vitamin purchase from puritan's pride. You products show up. Then, at the bottom of the box is an advertisement for a new product that sounds great. Without thinking you go to your computer, go to puritan's pride and buy that product. It didn't originate from a banner on your site so... That purchase did not earn any points!
If you had gone to your computer and your site, then clicked on your puritan's pride banner and then made the purchase, you do earn points.
You go to your computer and type in Amazon or Wal-mart and do some researching and finally find just what you were looking for, so you buy it. It didn't originate from a banner on your site so... the purchase did not earn any points!
However, if you had gone to your computer and your site, and clicked on your Wal-mart or Amazon banner and then made the purchase, you do earn points.
The above is why it is so important to make this your home page. By doing so, every time that you get on the internet, you will be reminded that earning money is only a click away. You won't forget to make that purchase from your site.
Any time you make a purchase from anywhere other than YOUR ASN site, you lose money!
How to Get Your ASN Home Page
If you are using Internet Explorer as your browser, Click Here to Make This Your Home Page!
If you are using Fire Fox, Google Chrome or another browser, please Click Here for simple directions.

New Earning for FREE pages!
please see Universally Needed Services 3.
and Universally Needed Services 4
See Scores of new companies that let you earn for FREE!
Universally Needed Services #1
Needed Services #2
ASN Favorites
NON-US Affiliates
What Earns the Most!
Earn Even More Points and Commissions!
Universal Success Principles-- NEW!
"You can get everything in life you want... if you just help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar
In the end, what we have and achieve in life is simply a reflection of the service we gave. Whether it is what you gave in the way of your service in sales... The benefit that your products gave to the consumer, the lives you saved as a physician. The lives you enriched and shaped as a teacher. The more we give and the better we give, the more we have.
When the focus of your activities are on the money you will earn, it diminishes the service you give and the outcomes you achieve. On the other hand, if you focus on providing the best options and services to your clients... when your heart is in doing the best job possible for your customer, they know it. And soon, the world knows it and they will be beating a path to your door and money worries become a thing of the past. It all starts with focusing on service!
No where is this more true than with ASN. You don't earn by taking, by high pressure sales, or by anything other than giving. Concentrate on the services that you are offering to the public. You, literally have the ability to change people's lives.
With ASN it is simple, the more you give, the more you earn. The more opportunity you give away, the more you will achieve.
Read your resource page, Claim Your Check, Fast Start Guide, and How to Market Your services. Do this... then apply the principles you’ve learned. You will earn money. PERIOD!...
How much is up to you.
Click Here for more Success Principles.
What's New?
Make sure you see
Newest Overview, Training and Simplification

Your Success Plan
NEW! ASN Training Videos Overview and Support
Simple Training Overview. ASN Tool Box

NEW! see... What Earns the Most?
Creative Financing Course
Market this FREE course. Millions Need it and it is full of real estate and financial related links that make you money.
NEW!! Help Charities!
NEW!! Marketing Methods
The most comprehensive list of Free Advertising Sites, Search Engines, Traffic Exchanges, plus, many marketing ideas for your ASN or any business.
Weekly Teleconferences.
Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm pacific standard time.
At about 5:59pm dial (605) 475-4810
Enter Access Code 437688#
To Listen at ANY time (24-7) to the latest
recorded ASN Tele-Conference
Dial 1 (605) 475-4848
Enter Access Code 437688#

Claim Your Check.
Shows exactly how to earn $100 to $500 within your first hour in business. Make sure all of your members read ALL of the page, at least, once. Doing so teaches how build a career, not just earn a check.
Resource Page
The single most important page in your website. It provides the links and information that will provide all that you need for success.

Links to some of your most important training pages...
Training Videos
Your Success Plan
Your Fast Start Guide
Resource Page
Overview and Support
Marketing Basics
Claim Your Check
ASN Basics and Beyond
Universal Success Principles
ASN Products and Services
Marketing Methods
No Credit Check Personal Loans
If you or someone you know needs money fast.

For sample ads, amounts you earn per sale and URLs to advertise the above services please see..
Marketing Basics

Links to Important Marketing Tools and Information
Free Advertising Sites
Incredible Marketing Tools
Search Engine Submission
Marketing Methods
Earn by giving away FREE and Discounted Stuff

ASN Products and Services
These Earn Highest Commissions
and Highest Points
ASN Hosting Services
How Hosting works
ASN Gifts and Merchandise
Bankruptcy Services
Credit Repair Services
Mortgage Negotiation Services
Tax Loopholes and Tax Reduction

One of the most profitable pages of your site is...
ASN Comprehensive Financial Services
For sample ads, amounts you earn per sale and URLs to advertise the above services please see..
Marketing Basics
More Important Pages
Keep Smoking but...
Stop Dying.
If you or someone you know smokes and needs to quit--
How to Grow Young

Marketing Ideas
Banners and Sample Ads

How to earn Big Points and Commissions.
Teaches the many ways to earn points for free and how to market the many services you offer to earn up to $1,500 or more!

Earn Points and Money by Giving Away Gas, Groceries and Vacations.

Marketing Basics provides pre made links, sample ad copy point and commission values for many of the services that your site can market.

Links to important training pages
Your Fast Start Guide- This is the single most important training page. It tells you what to do to get started. Exactly, what to do and virtually everything it teaches is FREE and they all work. We have members with downlines in excess of 2,000 who have done nothing other than followed the Fast Start Guide.
Resource Center- The starting point for everything ASN. It contains all relevant ASN information and links to everything that you might need
Claim Your Check - Shows how to earn $100 to $500 in your first hour, without spending a dime. Also, shows exactly what does and does not let you earn for FREE.
Incentive Bonuses Shows how to make sure your Downline is Active and Profitable. Remember, the better they do, the more you earn.
Your ASN Services Lists most of your ASN services, details how much you earn from each, provides sample ads, links to those services, and other info needed to effectively advertise and earn money from your many services.
Marketing Methods-A myriad of ways that you can market and grow your business with free marketing methods and advertising sites.
Click Here to See a Myriad of Ways to Earn MORE points and Commissions
The ASN System-Complete overview of how the ASN system works, from A to Z.
Your Fast Start Guide- A specific plan that if followed with get you off to a lightening fast start.
ASN Training Emails- All of the ASN training emails that the system automatically sends, are located here, just in case you've missed any.
Your Success Plan A simple plan of action that if followed will guarantee that your business will continue to grow and prosper.
ASN Basics and Beyond
ASN FAQ's The most frequently asked questions from member. It is constantly being updated.
ASN Products and Services

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