Wednesday 25 January 2012 How To Lose Body Fat Enjoyably Losing weight is often a problem for people due to two reasons. Firstly, it’s the misinformation that they are bombarded with, most of which contradicts itself and each other…and is often downright false. Secondly, there may often be issues with mindset that can stop a person from either making lifestyle changes to accommodate their new diet or from having the strength to say “no!” when friends say “oh, go on…”. Losing weight does not have to be some major upheaval. In fact, it’s far easier to lose weight gradually and enjoyably over a longer period of time than it is to try and change your daily habits overnight. If you aim to lose 2 lbs per week, you’ll still enjoy a varied diet and will not have to become a gym rat at the same time. In order to maintain a 2lbs per week loss (which is easier than you think), we’ll need to look at improving the diet, exercise habits, and detoxifying our system. Healthy Diet The basics apply here more than anything else, particularly when starting out. Make sure you’re eating plenty of fruit and vegetables each week, and that you aim to drink at least a few glasses of water a day (or more if you can). Avoid sugary foods where possible and swap out for fruit snacks instead. Do not drink fruit juice instead of water or fruit however, as the sugar content will pile on pounds quickly. Try to cook your meats and fish in a non stick frying pan so that cooking oil is not required, and if you insist on chips/fries, then oven bake or grill them for a healthier meal. Finally, try to eat smaller meals but more often throughout the day. This will keep your body burning fat as it no longer needs to store fat and sugars from previous meals. Eating more regularly helps keep your metabolism up and reduces the need for cravings too. Exercise Some of us cringe at the thought of exercise, but any form of exercise is sufficient providing you do it at least 3 times a week or more. You don’t need to be a gym rat to stay fit, but you do need to get up and move about for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week, so that your heart is beating faster than it would at its’ normal resting rate. Even if it means a brisk walk to the shops and back, this can be enough to shed the pounds over the months ahead. In fact, walking is one of the best exercises you can do, because it burns the most actual fat from your body, and not just carbs. Essentially, that is all there is to it. You don’t need to go mad with the diet or exercise plans; you just need to be able to stick to them. Obviously you’re going to have to curb your fatty snacks such as crisps and chocolate, but you’ll find that if you follow a plan that fills your day with eating the right foods (not all salads and fruit either!) then you’ll never feel hungry enough to snack in the first place. For more information on such a diet, check out ###YOUR LINK###.


  1. How to make money on the internet as a...

    WRITERS & ARTISTS-Perserverance.How to make money on the internet as a...How to Start a Career as a Freelance WriterMake Money as a Freelance WriterBook Proposal Secrets ... Get a publishing contract AND get paid, before you write a word! ... Your link: ... Becoming a freelance writer means different things to different people. If you are like most people who want to be writers, your goal is to write and make money in the process. In many ways, the internet has made this easier than ever to do. Here are a few steps to jump start your career as a freelance writer and start making money.Writer's - Perserverance...Print this articleStill waiting for that big break in your writing career? Lots of great writers need to be patient. It takes time to get just the right material in front of just the right agent or publisher. In the meantime, though, you need to keep moving forward. You need to keep writing and keep earning. You need to make sure your skills stay up to scratch, but you also need to be able to support yourself. And one way to make some quick, extra money is by writing for contests! And the beauty of it is, it only takes a few minutes of your time, but the rewards can be significant.

  2. Just scribble down a slogan or two, pen a few poems or come up with a tongue-twisting tie-breaker. These "little ditties" are exactly the kinds of things that consumer-related organizations are after. They're constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote their products. They run contests, sweepstakes and competitions to try and promote their goods... ... giving talented writers the chance to earn some extra cash! And it's not just money, either. Some of these contests donate prizes in the form of holidays, cars, electronic goods, and so on. If you know what you're doing, you can CLEAN UP! That's why I'm delighted to recommend Nick Daws' How to Win Contests. It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to enter and WIN contests, just by putting your existing skills to use. It's fast, it's easy, and it's potentially VERY profitable. So why not give it a try? At least until your novel becomes a best-seller :) Visit the official site for more information at: Order your copy this month and get it for : Just $26.00 (15 Pounds)! Click on the special discount link below to grab yours right now: Click HERE to Buy & Save! - English 50 – Intro to Creative Writing: Exercises for Story Writers

  3. Related Searches:Classic ground-breaking course shows how to write any book in under a month ... ... Career SkillsPay Per Click MoneyDifficulty: ModerateInstructionsQuick Cash Writing Course ... Turn your writing skills into quick cash, with this brand new course ... Your affiliate link: Things You'll NeedComputerInternetPay Pal Account


    Create a Fact Sheet, also known as a One Sheet, Resume, Profile, Background Sheet and/or a Personal Blog or Web Site that includes publishing credits. Include your photo and the following information:1.educationFull details: credits (if you're just starting be creative with this one!)3.topics you write aboutSelf-Publishing Secrets ... Earn great royalties and sack your editor, with self-publishing! ... Your link: You will need this information all the time when you are doing freelance writing work. It makes life simpler if you keep it handy and up to date.Paul@MyHelpHub. Book Proposal Secrets ... Get a publishing contract AND get paid, before you write a word! ... Your link: ... Thanks for reading & see you next time -- Writers & Artists -2

    Start writing! The key to being a paid freelance writer is to write, every minute, every day that you can. If you're not sure what you like to write about, just keep writing whatever you can think to write. You will figure it out as you go. Start by creating and writing your own blog. But don't spend too much time there unless you know how to monetize it and are able to gather a large number of followers.... Full affiliate details:


    Write for Paying Web SitesStart your career as a freelance writer by writing for a paying website as soon as possible. There are many websites that are free to join and pay a little bit. It's a great place to start your freelance writing career. It will help you build your portfolio and fine tuning your skills. Most of venues are article based sites. Fiction sites are harder to find. Here are a few:,,,,,, just to name a few.


    Join a Freelance Writers Web SitesOnce you have had some success in building a backlog of writing samples and a profile, consider signing up for a paying site such as Here, you will create a profile that includes writing samples, bid on writing projects of your choice and when you are hired, write for pay. Keep your freelance writing prices low until you receive feedback. As your positive feedback and experience grow, you can demand a higher price. Taking this step will build your experience as a freelance writer and your credibility.... Full details:


    Build Writing CreditsThese steps will help you build a backlog of articles, publishing credits and positive feedback from customers. All of this is yours to carry on to the next step. Now is the time to decide what you like to write the most and raise your game. Some of your options: write a book and seek a publisher, set up your own website focusing on a particular aspect of writing, e.g. marketing copy, editing, ghostwriting. Query markets in your particular area. While you are looking for higher paying writing jobs, your backlog on the writing websites can keep you afloat.


    Success as a Freelance WriterThis is how you start your career as a freelance writer. Once you publish your first piece you can start calling yourself "a published freelance writer"! The first time you get paid for an article you will feel like one!

  4. Sponsored Links.. The Wealthy Writer ... Discover how to make $100k+ a year - writing for the Internet! ... Your link: ... The Best-Seller Secret ... Turn your book into a #1 Amazon best-seller, with this little-known system! ... Your link:

  5. Instructions

    Things You'll NeedBook Backup Software ... Never lose your novel again, with this writer's backup tool! ... Your link:

    1**Read this, just for a bit of inspiration**

    I make about $3,500 a month on the internet. Not quite enough for me and my family to live on, but a nice addition to my income just the same. It's pretty easy, and pretty quick, to get a SMALL income stream started. It takes time and effort to build it up. Might as well get started today.

    2**Take stock of what you have to offer**

    If you are a writer, programmer, designer, or photographer, there are oodles of opportunities for you. If you have a speciality of any sort -- carpentry, raising kids, planning vacations or weddings, playing Guitar Hero 3 -- you can get paid for your expertise.

    Even if you think all you can offer is time, there are plenty of opportunities for you as well.

    3**Scan the available steps**

    I've listed a lot of options in the steps that follow, all of them legitimate. Pick the one that seems the best fit for you and your skills, and start exploring.

    4**Freelance Work**Novel in a Month ... Learn how to write a best-selling novel in just 28 days, or less! ... Your affiliate link: ...

    If you have a skill to offer, check out the various freelance sites (sometimes called "personal outsourcing"), like and (see the Resources section for the links I mention).

    You can post your skills at these sites, so potential customers can check you out, and you can also look around for freelance projects that others have posted.

    There are tons of opportunities for freelancers, in very varied fields. Common projects, though, are writing, computer or graphics design work, creating web pages, programming, writing brochures or reports, illustration, photography, and so on.Full Novel in 28 days, or less! details:

  6. Pay can be pretty good, especially after you've earned a quality rating at one or more of the freelancing sites. At the same time, though, keep in mind that you're competing with freelancers from around the world.

  7. Take a look at the "How Elance Works" video on their main page to get a quick overview.

    5**Try Writing Web Content**

    There are a quite a number of ways to take your skill as a writer and turn it into cash.Writers Block CD ... Experience creativity on demand, and eliminate Writer's Block for good! ... Your link: One of them is right here at eHow. Write brief "How to" articles on any topic of your choosing, and get paid for the article. The more popular the article, the more income you can expect. A good article will bring in $50 per year or more. Write 10 top-notch articles, and that's $500. A hundred get the picture.

    I can't say enough good things about eHow. To my mind, it is the best income generating opportunity available. Google the term 'ehow101' to learn more about how to make it work.

    UPDATE: eHow is now run through its parent company, Demand Media Studios (DMS). If you want to apply to write for eHow or other DMS properties, or to be an editor, check out the freelancer's application at

    6**Write Product Review** or Try this!!**... Full details:, a site owned by the N.Y. Times, pays freelance writers a minimum of $350 per article for product reviews. While that sounds like good money (and it is...and you can earn even more than that!), their particular brand of reviews requires good research and writing skills, and takes a lot of work. Check 'em out at

    7**More writing opportunities**How to Write a Children's Book ... Uncover how to write a children's classic - in 14 days, or less! ... Your link: ...

    --At, write reviews of select software reviews earn up to $50 each.

    --Product Reviews. You may be familiar with, but did you know they pay cash for good quality reviews. You won't get rich, but you can get started.

    --Suggest domain names according to site descriptions at Get $25 for each name that is chosen.

    --At, write anything you feel like, and collect 50% of any advertising income from Adsense clicks on your page.

    --Become a fledgling journalist at, and cover a special topic area in your neck of the woods...they pay pretty well.

  8. --Other writing sites include,,, and Squidoo. In fact, one of my eHow colleagues has put together a very nice Squidoo 'lens' with 101 sites where you can get paid to provide content...check it out in the Resources section. How to Win Contests ... Discover how to win big UK competitions, with a few simple words! ... Your link:**Check out Q&A Sites**

  9. I earn much of my income as an online researcher, answering folks questions on everything under the sun: investments, market research, divorce law, homework name it. If this sounds like your cup of tea, here are some resources to explore:

    --The Association of Independent Information Professionals ( can help you build you own Q&A website and business. I've built my research business at, and it is a steadily growing source of income for me.

    --I also work with Though they are not accepting new researchers right now, it's worth a look to see how a well-developed Q&A site works.

    --Another Q&A site is JustAnswer, and they offer small payments for answers to questions.Q. Can I Make Money at Home ? A. ... Full details: 9**Earn money from your own blog or website**

    The key is to generate as much traffic as you can, and to have your visitors click on ads and affiliate links. The more people visiting your site, clicking on ads, and buying affiliate products, the more income you can earn. As good as this sounds, income is generally more a trickle than a flood. But again, steadily building your site (or sites), and building traffic, is the key to generating a steadily growing stream of income.

    Google Adsense is the most commonly used service for placing banner and text ads on blogs and websites. As I've learned to maximize Adsense income over the years, I've come to recognize this as one of the best income-generating opportunities available.

  10. You can also incorporate in-text ads (the colored, underlined text with small pop-up ads). I like for this, and is another commonly used service.

  11. Affiliate ads usually pay whenever a sale is made for a product. has one of the most well-known affiliate programs that all you to sell books or other Amazon products on your site or blog, and earn a cut of the sale.

    Other good affiliate resources are Commission Junction at,, and

    10**Blog With the Best of Them**

    If you don't have a site of your own, starting a blog is pretty easy at sites like, and Blogs make money through online advertising and affiliate sales, such as through the affiliates program. Blogger makes it very simple to automatically place Google Adsense ads on your blog.

    Also, at, you can take ownership of an abandoned blog with a specific focus, like Film, or Travel, and collect a portion of the ad revenues. The advantage of this is that the blog is already well-represented in search engines, and can often generate much more traffic than a new blog of your own. See Orble under the Resource links for more information.

    11**Sell your photos** or try this! The 10-Day E-Book ... Write and publish your first e-book - in just 10 days, or less! ... Your link:

    At sites like and you can upload still photos or videos for sale, and receive a royalty payment every time someone makes use of your content.

    12**Take Online Surveys**

    I mention survey work with a good deal of trepidation...the surveys are tedious, the pay is meager, and there are many sites that are dubious, or out and out scams.

    The most legitimate operation I know is They offer real surveys, and they pay real money. Again...tedious, and earning takes a long, long time. also pays users to take online surveys. They strike me as legitimate, but I confess, I don't have any first-hand experience with it, so approach with caution... is another possibility, but unlike CashCrate, they charge a membership fee before you can get started (Boo!). I've also heard some negative feedback from users of this site, so proceed with caution (if you proceed at all!).

    13**Teaching and Tutoring**

    Search on [ Online tutoring ] and you'll uncover dozens of sites in this booming corner of the internet. Many accept applications for online tutors, with variable rates and topic areas. Two to consider are and

    14**Check into online "Jury Duty"**

    Here's an odd one. Lawyers looking for feedback on how a case will play before a jury can make use of online e-jury sites to solicit input from the type of average citizens that show up on juries. Yes, you get paid. Fees for complex cases can run over $50, though $20 is more typical. To serve as an online juror, check out, or

    Be aware, though, that none of the sites I've registered at has ever actually contacted me for a jury case, so I'm not sure just how active these services are. If anyone knows more about them, please leave a remark in the Comments.

    15**Become a virtual office assistant** Or try this!!!**Travel Writing Secrets ... Be a travel writer - get 5-star treatment, get published, get paid! ... Your affiliate link: ...

    At TeamDoubleClick, you can sign on for temporary jobs as an office assistant, handling correspondence, emails, bookkeeping, data entry, and other office jobs. Think of it as an online temp agency for virtual work. Pay is varied, but you are not obliged to take jobs that don't meet your financial needs.

    16**Play games** & try this!! Full affiliate details:

    At, you can get paid to play.

  12. This is probably the strangest one yet, and I can't personally vouch for it (I've only tinkered with the site), but it looks legitimate. Moola starts you off by giving you a penny, which you can then double, and double again, through a variety of games and activities.

    Presumably, they make oodles of money through ads, and are willing to throw some of it your way by participating in their zany set of games and marketing gimmicks. They call themselves a "Massively Multiplayer Rewards Game". It's too complicated to explain here, but worth a look.

    17**Participate in crowdsource design**

    "Crowdsourcing" is the buzzword for getting a lot of people to do your work for you. If you're good at designing things like t-shirts, logos, fancy fonts, and other graphics, take a look at the challenges at and

    If your design is chosen, you can collect hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

    18**More blogging opportunities**

    How does $100 a month sound for writing a few blog posts every week? That's what you can be paid (actual range is $84-140) if you get accepted as a blogger at Creative Weblogging. They are a large blog network, and seem to have mastered the art of monetizing their many sites. All they need are people to write them, and keep the content fresh.

    UPDATE: Creative Weblogging has changed hands and is changing how -- or if -- it pays bloggers. Stay tuned for additional updates.

  13. 19**Earn with any type of content**

    Blogging, articles, photos, video, you name it. Flixya offers 100% of ad revenue to anyone who posts at their website (you need to have your own Google Adsense account to participate). Words, pictures, videos, whatever ya got. Post it, bring in some traffic, and collect some ad clicks. (Haven't tried it yet myself, but Flixya has a good reputation).

    20**Just Visit** or just travel** 0r a busmans holliday...Full details:

    Another site that pays for content is, but they also promise earnings everytime you use the site!. They also pay for referrals. Haven't given them a test run yet, so use them with caution, but they seem worth exploring, at least. If you have experience with them, please post a comment, below.

    21**Listen to music** & TRY this!!**Full details:

    At, you can get paid for listening to music.

    Say what!!! Yep, listen to upcoming artists, and review their music. The more reviews you write -- and the better you are at spotting new talent -- the more you can get paid. Some folks are pulling in several dollars per review.

    22**Typing and Dictation**

    If you have good typing skills, consider, an online dictation service.

    23**Stay focused**Full Novel in 28 days, or less! details:

    You can participate in online focus groups at, where you review a product you've used, or discuss an issue of interest to you. Payment ranges from about $50-150 per session. Participants are typically asked to join a group once or twice a year.

    24**Work for Google**

    Ha, ha...couldn't resist. But you can earn through Google by posting content at Google Knol.

    This online encylopedia-like site is a place where anyone can contribute content, and you can "monetize" your efforts by placing Adsense ads on your article to generate revenue. I wrote a Knol about eHow. You can see it by searching on the term ehow101.

  14. 25**Review websites for usability**

    You can get paid for reviewing websites. pays $10 per website review, where you provide feedback on quality and usability. It's not have to be selected to test, based on your demographic profile.

    26**Earn money reading emails** & Try this!!** Full details:

    Really! Of course, there are ads involved, and you might be asked to click a few things, but it's not difficult. Expect to get 5-10 emails a day (more, if you register multiple email addresses), and earn a few pennies per email. Check out

  15. 27**Try a little bit of everything** is a legitimate work-at-home (telecommuting) site that lists hundreds of jobs, none of which require a fee, and many of which can be done online. Registration is simple...worth checking out.

    28**Write for the NY Times**

    Really! The Times owns two sites that regularly hire writers.

    I already mentioned up above, a site that uses freelance writers to create detailed reviews of common consumer products...minimum pay is $350 per write-up, and they do a lot of hiring., another Times property, hires writers as guides. These positions, paying $725/month or more, are tough to get, but worth looking into.

    29**And don't forget...**... Full details:

    At the risk of repeating myself, eHow is just about the best opportunity out there. Although getting on board through Demand Media Studios takes more work than at the eHow of old, it's still worth the effort.

    Read more: How to Make Money on the Internet |

  16. This is an article on how to make money as an internet writer.

    Related Searches:Full details: Freelance WriterEarn Money Fast OnlineDifficulty: ModerateEssential English for Authors ... Get your work published, by correcting these common English errors! ... Your link: ... Instructions

    1Step 1) With unemployment so high, many people are turning to internet writing as their sole source of income or as another source of income. I make about $500 a month writing on the internet for various sources--Here's how I do it. The first step in making money on the internet is WRITING AN ARTICLE A DAY FOR VARIOUS ONLINE JOURNALISM SITES. Make sure it's something somebody cares to read about. Write one article a day, 7 days a week for the following sites: ehow, firehow, bukisa, triond, and associated content. Before long, you will be making some money from the internet.

    2Step 2) The second step in making money from internet writing is WRITING AND SELLING AN EBOOK. Choose a topic that people want to read--how to start a small business in the recession, how to make ends meet, etc.--and write a 100 page ebook about it. Then promote it in various places including online journalism sites,,, and Have links to your ebook on everything you write. Promote your ebook everyday 7 days a week for an hour at a time and before long you will be making money from the sell of your ebook online.

    3Step 3) The third step in making a living as an internet writer is CREATING A BLOG. Create your own blog with something that you are interested in and something that others are interested in and write one article daily for your blog. Have as many people as possible join your blog and have google ads placed on it. Hence, everytime somebody clicks on a blog link, you'll be paid a commission. This is a really good way to make a living as an internet writer that I am just now getting into.

    4Step 4) I hope this has been a helpful article on how to make money as an internet writer. Good luck! Full affiliate details: Furthermore, read the Sponsored Links:Movie in a Month Course ... Write your next Hollywood blockbuster in one month - or less! ... Your link: ... Advertise Your BusinessPRWeb.comPromote Your New Business to the World with PRWeb. Free Sign Up!Make a Living on How You Can Earn Money on YouTube. Apply for the Program Now!Earn £ on your websitewww.addynamo.comThe Ultimate Copywriter ... Discover how to get paid $10,000 - for writing one simple letter! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details:

  17. Place our ads on your site & start earning todayJust Falafel Franchisewww.justfalafel.comBe a Part of Our Success Story! Incredible Taste and Great ReturnsRelated Searches...Darvas Course ... Discover how to draw cartoons, with famous cartoonist Lou Darvas! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details:

    Q. Can I Make Money at Home ? A. ... Full details: Earn Money by InvestingWays of Investing MoneyMake a Lot of Money FastEasy Internet MoneyRead Next:...Comments Experience creativity on demand, and eliminate Writer's Block for good! ... Your link: Good to Know this Great knowledge!!!You May Also Like ...- Full affiliate details: Full details: How to Become a Freelance Writer OnlineAs a freelance writer, I find myself constantly mystified by the number of posts on forums and discussion boards by people complaining... Nick Daws Course ... Full affiliate details: Paul@MyHelpHub. Book Proposal Secrets ... Get a publishing contract AND get paid, before you write a word! ... Your link: ...

  18. Thanks for reading & see you next time -- Writers & Artists - People String join, its a good site!


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