Wednesday 5 October 2011


    Has your dating confidence gone out the window?
    Are those little voices of doubt putting you down?
    Are you making excuses why you can't start dating again?
    OR “You just feel you are out of practice”?

    LUV-UP,my dating advisor.
    Firstly, serf the site, the solution is here to a multitude of related problems. The three key steps to TLC; 1.Chat up 2.Fixed Up 3. Loved Up. When you are all loved up you can share your Tender Loving Care.

    Has your dating confidence gone out the window?
    Are those little voices of doubt putting you down?
    Are you making excuses why you can't start dating again?
    OR “You just feel you are out of practice”?

    ASN's Highest Paying Merchandise
    Everything from Electronics, Bedding, Vests, Water Purifiers, Swords, Cooking Ware, and hundreds of other exciting Items!
    Purchases and Sales earn 8 points per $25 retail value! PLUS...
    20% Commissions on $75 or more retail!
    So $75 earns 24 points for the
    Fast Start Bonus, plus...
    Eagle Bonus, plus...
    Bronze Bonus, plus...
    Group Bonus overrides, plus...
    $15 Sales Commissions.
    So $300 earns 96 points for the
    Fast Start Bonus, plus...
    Eagle Bonus, plus...
    Bronze Bonus, plus...
    Group Bonus overrides, plus...
    Silver Bonus, plus...
    Gold Bonus, plus...
    Platinum Bonus (at 100 points), Plus...
    $60 Sales Commissions
    Remember, 100 points ALWAYS earns, at least, $100 to $500 in infinity bonuses!
    ASN, The more you shop, the more you earn!

  4. Your ASN site is large and for some, confusing, but...
    Take it step by step and it really is pretty simple..
    Build a Downline
    Help Your Downline
    Earn Points
    If you choose, Market big ticket services.
    Fundamentally, the system is as easy as... get an insurance quote and you earned about 4 points that earned money. Get a free credit report, you earned about 8 more points and more money, apply for a $100,000 year job, more points and more money... the more points you earn the more money you make… The more points your downlines earn, the more money you make... This simple concept is just the start. No company makes it easier to earn. But the first step, is to EARN POINTS. Remember, no matter what happens in your downline, if your site doesn’t earn points, it doesn’t earn money.

  5. First and Foremost
    Each month, make sure that you earn, at least, 15 points. 15 points earns you the Fast Start, Eagle and 10 levels of Group Bonus Overrides. The Group Bonuses are the most profitable part of the system because that is where you earn a percentage of each and every purchase, sale, quote, trial or any other point producing activity from every member of your downline through a full 10 levels. It is so powerful and profitable that if you were to simply give away 5 free websites… and each of them gave away 2, who gave away 2 etc through 10 levels—with each generating only 15 points each. (remember, this can always be done for free), your monthly income would be in excess of $7,500 per month!
