Friday 16 September 2011

Rocket-in-Bottle: NewsSquares for Chrome - Come and Try!

Rocket-in-Bottle: NewsSquares for Chrome - Come and Try!: Hello fans of FeedSquares! Today we proudly introduce NewsSquares, our latest incarnation of news reader for Google Chrome! It's our latest ...

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Since then our network of members has helped thousands become homeowners, become debt free, perfect their credit, increase their incomes, improve their lives… all without investment.
This all happened because I focused on the goal... NOT THE PROBLEMS.
See Some of our HUNDREDS of Unsolicited Testimonials.
Following are some of the many services that your website offers and what they earn you.
Service Your Commission Points
Home Loans $300- $1,500 40
Mortgage Reduction $300 25
Bankruptcy $30 - $65 20
Credit Repair $30 20
Charity Assistance 20% 8-25
I’ve never looked back since. That’s not to say there haven’t been more issues, more obstacles, setbacks… I've had a massive heart attack, in the span of 4 months my mother in law and then father in law, passed away in our home, I then had to help my wife and children get through the horrible emotional trauma this caused, not to mention the fact that I had cared deeply for both of them and had my own sorrow to deal with... then, if that wasn't enough, during this time of distraction, someone I would have trusted with my life, stole everything, that wasn't nailed down... Unfortunately, things happen... If I had to bet, I’d guess I'll have to deal with more issues and more setbacks. It's not fair, but guess what—that’s life.
The more you help others earn, the more you earn
We all know that one of the major keys to success with your ASN business is to build a downline organization from which you earn overrides on all purchases and sales from the site. We also know that because building a downline is FREE it can be done incredibly quickly.
This actually creates a potential problem. People often equate the Value to the Cost.
Because ASN is Free, some people don't take the time to read and understand the Incredible Value of this Free business. That's where you come in. If you want to maximize your income, you want to help your downline understand the value by helping them to start earning immediately!
Realize, a downline of 10,000 members that are doing nothing, earns nothing.
What is most important IS NOT, How large your downline becomes...
You make money, when they make money, and they can start making money immediately, by simply using the system. See "Claim Your Check" and "How to Earn Points". When they earn points via any of the scores of ways we make possible... You Earn Money!
The more they do, the more they earn, the more you make!
How active they become will be determined in large part on how well you communicate with them.
Earning is Simple. Communicate!
See How to Profit from Personal Use
Note: these bonuses will be paid at the same time as all Infinity Bonuses i.e. around the 29th of each month.
New Bonuses
Start Up Bonuses
Mentor Bonuses
Bonus Overview and True Story of Success
Earning is Simple. Communicate!
Sample Emails and email tools.
How 8 turned into over 5,000!
Why We Know You Won't Fail
No Risk So Your Can't Lose
You Offer Everything
No Barriers to Entry- Anyone can join and earn for free!
Complete Diversification
Tools and Training Provided for Free
These New Bonuses Will Dramatically Increase Downline Activity and Consequently your Group Bonuses and the Group Bonuses of every ASN member.
We currently have some members with very large downlines that are earning very little. We have some members with relatively small downlines that are earning a lot. What's the difference?
Often it's as simple as communication. A basic key to success is this simple concept.
Learn to EARN.
Teach your downline to earn. Just an occasional email to your first level, letting them know what you are accomplishing, reminding them that getting a a simple free quote earns a check.
Then help your downline to teach theirs to do the same. i.e. You help A to help B, who then helps C, who helps D, etc... your income will skyrocket.
Help your downline. Do this, you will have an incredibly successful ASN business. By doing so, not only, do you build your downline, your downline builds their downline and THEIR downline builds their downline, etc... This simple concept unleashes the incredible power of the geometric growth that the FREE ASN opportunity provides.
Sample emails to your downline.
How Profitable is the ASN System?
Remember, if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (personal use alone can generate this)-- YOUR group overrides are in excess of $4,500 per month.
How do you help your downline and their downline to do that little bit that guarantees their success and consequently YOUR success? We now have numerous incentive bonuses what will help you, your downline, and your downline's downline build more active, profitable organizations...
Remember, the key to earning from your downline is to help your downline become active and profitable.
A downline that does nothing earns nothing.
ASN is the embodiment of the truism...
"You can get anything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want".
NEW!!-- Start Up Bonuses.
For each member of your FIRST LEVEL, downline (those that you personally referred), that participates in the system. i.e. engages in any point producing activity, you earn 1 point. These points will be added to any points that you earned on your own, up to a maximum of 20 points.
These points are for the purposes of promoting you to earning additional Infinity Bonuses and qualifying to earn Group Bonuses, But they are not used to increase the amount of Group bonuses that are paid.
The only requirement for a member to qualify for this bonus is that the member earned from his personal website, at least, 4 points. See Ways to earn Points and Commissions.
Example 1: You earned 4 points on your own. Plus, 4 members of your personal downline each earned 1 point from a purchase, free survey or other activity. You would earn 1 point per each of those members for a total of 4 points which will be added to the 4 that you earned on your own. So, even though you earned only 4 points on your own, you would be awarded a total of 8 points, thus earning the Fast Start and Eagle Bonus.
Example 2: You earned 5 points by taking advantage of a free health insurance quote. Each of your 10 first level downline members got a free trial or quote so that they each earned, at least, one point. You earn 1 point for each of those active members for a total of 10 points, which are added to your personal point total of 5. So those 10 points are added to your 5 personal points so that you have a total of 15 points. So even though, you personally earned only 5 points, you earn the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus and Group Bonuses (overrides on your downline).
Example 3: You earned 4 points on your own. Plus, 30 members of your personal downline earned, at least, one point from their personal activity. So, since there is a 20 point maximum for this bonus, you will earn 20 points based on the activities of your first level members, plus you earned 4 points from your personal activities. So, 20 Start up bonus, plus, 4 from personal efforts gives you a total of 24 points. So, you earned the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus and Group Bonus overrides.
Example 4: You earned 4 points on your own. Plus, 30 members of your first level earned, at least, 1 point each from their personal activity. Plus, the total number of points earned by your first level members is 210 (each of the 30 averaged about 7 points each). Your point total is as follows:
4 from your personal activities.
20 from your Start Up Bonuses.
30 from your Mentoring Bonus- (see below) you earn mentoring bonuses at the rate of 1 point per each 7 points earned (from personal activities) by your first level downline. So your first level members earned a total of 210 points divided by 7 equals 30 Mentoring Bonuses. See below for details of the Mentoring Bonuses.
So even though you, personally, earned only 4 points from your personal activities you have earned a total of 54 points.
So you earned the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus, Silver Bonus and Group Bonus overrides.
Each Month Be Certain That You Do, At Least, The Following:
1. 1. Claim Your Check Take advantage of ANY free service. This earns points and locks in your first paycheck. The more points accumulated, the more you earn. 4 points equals the fast start bonus, 8 the eagle, 15 the group bonuses which earns you from your downline. The best thing to do is to each month immediately get your 15 points. You can do it for free. It will take less than 15 minutes and you immediately earn the Fast Bonus, Eagle Bonus, and Group Bonuses.
2. 2. Personal Use, Make a habit of going to your site for your personal shopping. Buy what you always buy, even get it from the same store you always use i.e. walmart, amazon, best buy, etc… JUST BUY IT FROM YOUR SITE. And make sure that you always register your points. This inputs the activity into our databases to make sure that you get credit and then takes you to get your vacation, gas and grocery vouchers. Point Confirmation This saves you money and assures that you always accumulate points so that you have checks coming, AT LEAST, every month. Go to this link and then make ASN your home page. This way making money will always be but a click away!
Follow Your Fast Start Guide-- This will get you off to a lightening fast start in building a downline.
Start giving away as many Free websites as possible. And then make sure you help them to get active and let them know how important it is for your downline to give away sites and to help their downline to get active.
REMEMBER-- the beauty of the ASN system is that the more people that you help, the more profitable your business becomes...
Our motto "You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want"
Consistently Market Your Services for big points and commissions.
NEXT-- Mentoring Bonuses Top
Earn by Helping Your Downline.
ASN always has-- and always will pay you for the business generated by your downline. But now, you also earn additional points that increase your Infinity Fund income. What do you have to do? Just help your first level members get started earning checks.
REMEMBER... You earn Group Bonus overrides on every purchase or sale made by every member and visitor of every ASN site in your Downline through a full 10 levels.
The more active your downline becomes, the more money you earn.
Mentor Points Program will dramatically increase the business volume and income generated by your downline AND your downline's downline...
This dramatically increases your Group Bonus Overrides AND your shares of Infinity Funds.
How it works...
NEW!!! Earn Additional Points for helping your 1st level members.
Starting this month, August of 2009 we have just instituted a new profit (Mentor Points). You now, earn, not only points from your own site, but if you are an active ASN member (Simply Earn 4 points), you now earn an additional 1 point per each 7 points earned personally by your first level members. These points are added to your personal site's earned points for the purposes of increasing the Number of Infinity Bonuses you qualify for.
As long as your site has earned, at least 4 points, a portion of all points earned by your first level downline are now added to your personal point total at the rate of 1 to 7, making it easier for you to achieve the higher infinity bonus levels. i.e. 1 point to your personal total for each 7 points earned by your first level members.
So, for example, if you earned only 4 points and 10 of your first level members had earned 8 points. That would be 80 points in your first level, divided by 7 equals an additional 11 points added to your original 4 points.
You now have a total of 15 points. So, instead of earning the Fast Start Bonus, you now have earned the Fast Start Bonus, the Eagle Bonus and Group Bonus Overrides--
If you already had 13 points you'd have 11 added to it so that you'd now also earn, the Fast Start, Eagle, Bronze and Group Bonuses.
The more active your downline is... the more money you earn.
This new Mentor Bonus gives a powerful incentive for Your 1st level members to help their members earn that first check and get them going. Your first level's downline members have that same incentive to help THEIR first level members to get their members active and earning, etc... This creates a powerful organization wide incentive for mutual assistance that guarantees the development of active and profitable downlines.
Taking advantage of these performance bonuses will dramatically increase your income!
The true power of these performance bonuses is in the impact it will ultimately have as it ripples through your entire downline and in the downline of others, while, dramatically increasing EACH of the infinity pools, as well as your Group Bonuses.
Because the points required for earning income can be acquired in less than 10 minutes by ANYONE, FOR FREE!... these simple incentive will motivate a much higher percentage of your downline to do the bare minimum to guarantee a check.
And as they earn more... you earn more;
As THEIR downline earns more YOU earn even more, etc...
If you haven't already done so, go to
You can earn your Group Bonuses, Eagle and Fast Start Bonuses right now-- with NO INVESTMENT!
Remember... a downline of 1,000 that does nothing earns nothing!
But these incentive bonuses make it possible to earn every bonus and income that ASN has by earning just 4 points... and remember, that can always be done for free!
But a downline of 1,000 earning even 4 points each... that can always be done for FREE earns a lot!
By creating the incentive for all to do a little... that little, GUARANTEES a lot for ALL!
Remember, if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (personal use alone can generate much more than 25 points)-- YOUR group overrides are in excess of $4,500 per month.
Simplified Overview of how incentive bonuses work...
Make sure you help your 1st level members and tell them to do the same!
These bonuses were recently instituted and are creating GREAT results!
You now, earn, not only points from your own site, but if you are an active ASN member (Earn 4 points), you now earn two additional bonuses...
Start Up Bonus- Top
As an incentive for you and for each of your downline to help their members get active, we have created the Start Up Bonus. It's very simple, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, whether by using Claim Your Check, Marketing Services, ASN hosting, Personal use, etc... As long as you earn 4 points, you now earn an additional point for each of your 1st level members that complete ANY point producing activity... no matter how small. One of your downline members just gets a FREE online back up service- you just earned a point. 10 sign up for a FREE survey... you just earned 10 points, in addition to whatever points you earned on your own!
Mentor Bonus- Top
In addition to Your Start Up bonus, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, you also earn an additional 1 point per each 7 points earned from your first level members.
making it easier for you to achieve the higher infinity bonus levels. i.e. 1 point to your personal total for each 7 points earned by your first level members.
Following is a real life example of how these various
Incentive Bonuses worked for a member in the Philippines:
This member earned on his own 4 points by taking advantage of the "Activation Fee". For details see at the end of this column. So he earned 4 points and has a very active downline. He had 23 first level members that earned, at least, 1 point.
So he earned an additional 23 points from the Start Up bonuses, PLUS...
His downline is taking this business seriously. His 23 first level members, earned a combined total of 392 points. Because he had earned 4 points, he also qualified for the Mentor Bonus i.e. he earned an additional 1 point per each 7 points earned by the combined total activities of his entire first level members.
392 divided by 7 = 56 points earned from the Mentor Bonuses.
So this member earned only 4 points on his own. But thanks to the active downline that he has and continues to build, he earned a total of...
23 Start up points, plus...
52 Mentor points, plus...
4 Personal points, for a total of
79 points.
So by following the system and making sure that he "qualified" by earning 4 personal points, building a downline (that he consistently helped- please see performance bonuses for ideas on how to help your downline to succeed) he earned the...
Fast Start Bonus
Eagle Bonus
Bronze Bonus
Silver Bonus
Gold Bonus
and Group Bonuses on a very active downline.
And when you think about it, he accomplished and earned all of this for doing what???
For just helping others to earn money immediately with absolutely no investment! EVER!
Remember, with ASN, the more you help, the more you earn!
And remember, the Group Bonus override system can be so profitable that if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (Between personal use, marketing services, claim your check, ASN Hosting, etc... getting 25 points is simple!)-- YOUR group overrides will be in excess of $4,500 per month.
Moral of the Story? Stay in touch and help your downline all you can.
Remember, the more successful they become, the more successful you are.
The more active your downline is... the more money you earn.
This new Start Up and Mentor Bonuses provide powerful incentives for Your 1st level members to help their members earn that first check and get them going. Your first level's downline members have that same incentive to help THEIR first level members to get their members active and earning, etc... This creates a powerful organization wide incentive for mutual assistance that guarantees the development of active, profitable, successful downlines. for all!
If you haven't already done so learn to
Is Earning With ASN Really That Easy?
Gift Solutions
U Pay 2 Much Taxes
Do You Need a Will?
Age Reversal
Free Home Classifieds
Free Misc Classifieds
Age Reversal
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Free Photo Personals
Free Bankruptcy Forms
Gift Solutions
Hundreds of unique items for every occasion, including watches, jewelry, luggage, brassware...
Mortgage Reduction
All Rights Reserved
In a word, Yes! Building an ASN business could not be easier. We provide free advertising, marketing tools, start up strategies, etc... And every member of ASN has the same system, the same profits, the same free marketing tools, the same incentives, the same ability to make money by simply giving away FREE Websites, FREE OPPORTUNITY... I truly believe that nothing is easier and nothing is better...
But if you want to maximize the opportunity, you will need to on about a weekly basis remind your downline that they are in business... and of just how easy it is to earn a check.
Earning money is SO EASY that we often pay members, and then get an email from them asking "what's this for?"
Everything you need for success is provided.
We are absolutely committed to giving you every product, every service, and every tool. We will give you and your members everything needed to succeed. The only thing that we can’t provide is commitment. But of course commitment is the most important ingredient.
No matter how great the idea or how great the opportunity, without committed consistent action nothing is ever accomplished. Some people are going to get a hold of this opportunity and run with it. Others are going to sit on it. If you are the former, I truly believe that your life is about to change.
Realize, the Solutions Network has been in business helping people since 1998. We are not a flash in the pan, here today gone tomorrow company. We have over 100,000 members worldwide and are poised to expand to even greater heights. This opportunity is definitely equal opportunity and can be done successfully by anyone. But just because anyone CAN do it, doesn't mean that EVERYONE WILL do it.
We see stark contrasts between people who have joined on the same day. Many distributors has given away 500 free websites and more. Some, within 24 hours have given away 5 free websites. (And remember, ultimately, you can earn money from every website you give away) Others, on the other hand, have done nothing. Some people are taking this by the horns and are determined to make something of it. Others are just curious.
As I write this -- 5-5-09, the contrasts are even more striking. We have some members who've been with us for 5 months, have earned substantial incomes with down lines of over 4,000!
We have others who joined about the same time, and informed us that they want to cancel their business because IT DOESN'T WORK!
For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists,
call Toll Free 877 604 6636
When calling please reference Service ID Code PT18676
If You Lost Your Job Tomorrow... ...How Would You Put Food On the Table? ASN PROMOTION. NEW! see... What Earns the Most? Creative Financing Course Market this FREE course. Millions Need it and it is full of real estate and financial related links that make you money. NEW!! Marketing Methods NEW!! Help Charities! The most comprehensive list of Free Advertising Sites, Search Engines, Traffic Exchanges, plus, many marketing ideas for your ASN or any business. DON'T MISS... Weekly Teleconferences. Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm pacific standard time. Directions. At about 5:59pm dial (605) 475-4810 Enter Access Code 437688# To Listen at ANY time (24-7) to the latest recorded ASN Tele-Conference Dial 1 (605) 475-4848 Enter Access Code 437688# Wills & Power of Attorney Enduring Power of Attorney Registration Power of Attorney Last Will and Testament Advance Decision Lasting Power of Attorney Registration Revocation of Power of Attorney More >>Letting & Real Estate Commercial Letting/Business Lease Residential Letting/Tenancy Agreement Commercial Sublease Agreement Eviction and Renewal Notices (Commercial) Eviction Notices (Residential) Residential Rental Inspection Report More >>Sales, Loans & Transactions Bill of Sale Loan Agreement Demand Letter Letter of Intent Promissory Note More >>Business & Service Confidentiality / Non-Disclosure Agreement Catering Services Agreement Childcare Services Agreement Cleaning Services Agreement Computer Services Agreement Consulting Agreement Partnership Agreement Joint Venture Agreement Purchase and Sale of Business Service Agreement More >>Employment Contracts Employment Contract Employee Evaluation More >>Other Documents Cease & Desist/Debtor Letters Amending Agreement Child Travel Consent Form Hold Harmless/Indemntity Agreement More >>All Documents UK Document CentreLawDepot Menu United Kingdom Contracts United States Contracts Australian Contracts Canadian Contracts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Us Careers Affiliate Program Help / Contact Us LawDepot Law Library Refer A Friend Resource Network Site Subscription Testimonials -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800 014 8912 Sign In Support FAQ For legal questions, please visit our Legal FAQ Purchasing Q: How much does a contract or service cost?A: On a contract's Questions Page, scroll to the bottom and click on "View Results". Move the mouse over one of the purchasing options on the left to get a description and a price.Q: How do I purchase a document?A: From the Questions Page of a contract, click on "View Results" to see the Preview Page. You can find pricing information under the "Buy Licenses" menu.Q: What is the difference between the different license types (Basic, Platinum, etc.)?A: A Basic License entitles you to a single use of a particular automated contract; you have two weeks to revise your document.A Platinum License entitles you to unlimited use of one automated contract for an entire year. A Site Subscription gives you unlimited access to this comprehensive list of documents. Q: How do I cancel a subscription?A: You can cancel the renewals at any time to prevent your card from being charged again after your current licensing period expires. Simply click on the "Subscriptions" tab on the "My Account" page and follow the instructions.Q: What does a Peace of Mind Review do?A: Our experienced professionals will review your answers and choices for completeness, spelling, internal consistency and grammar. This review only covers information you type into the question page, not any changes you make using the "Edit Words" feature. We will forward your reviewed document in html format within 2 business days after receipt of payment.Q: I don't like giving my credit card over the Internet. Is there another way to purchase (bank draft, money order, etc.)?A: A secure order form is actually safer than using the telephone. Phone conversations are not encrypted; anyone could listen in and write down your credit card number as you say it. On a secure order form such as ours, the information travelling between your computer and our server is encrypted, meaning that the information is garbled and unusable to thieves.Q: I need to change my answers. Do I need to purchase another license? / Why does the site tell me to purchase again?A: No. As long as your license hasn't expired, sign in, then use the My Account page to return to your document. Saving and Loading Q: How do I save my work?A: When you are signed in, the last answers you typed into a document will always be there. If you want to save a set of answers to your computer, click "View Results" from the Question Page, then use the "Save Answers" option under "Save to LawDepot". You can also save the final document using the "Save Results as ..." options.Q: How do I load answers?A: Make sure you are signed in. From the Preview Page of most documents, you'll find the "My Documents" link in the menus on the left. From there, double-click on the set of answers you want to load. Printing Q: How can I make sure the document prints out in a legally acceptable way?A: You must make sure that the signature appears all on one page with some part of the document showing at the top by changing the size of the margins in your browser's Print Setup and doing a Print Preview. The signature section includes the date the agreement is signed.Q: How do I get rid of the name of your website on the printout?A: These are not included by our software. Web browsers add this information by default in the header and footer. To remove the header and footer, click on the "File" menu, then "Page Setup" and clear the "Header" and "Footer" sections.For longer documents, you may want to print with page numbers on each page. In Internet Explorer, use the following header to print out page numbers at the top right corner of the page.&bPage &p of &P In other browsers, select "Page # of #" from the drop-down box in the page setup. Q: I have a document that should only print on one page, but it takes up two. How can I make sure a short document only prints on one page?A: Ensure that the margins are set to a small value in the Page Setup of your web browser. Some documents deliberately print on multiple pages.Q: Some text is clipped from the right hand side. How do I fix this?A: This is because the margin sizes your browser is using are too large. Try decreasing the size of the left and right margins (0.5" per side should do). In Internet Explorer, the margin sizes can be changed by going to the "Page Setup" option in the "File" menu.Q: There are spaces between words at random spots at the beginning of some lines. How do I fix it?A: Going to your printer manufacturer's web site to download and install the latest printer driver fixes the problem.Q: I can't print because I have problems with my printer / my computer locks up / etc. Can you send me a copy?A: Try signing in from another computer. If you still have trouble, contact us.Q: My computer crashes or locks up when I try to print. How I fix this?A: Usually, rebooting (restarting) your computer will fix this.Q: I don't get a printout of what I see on the screen. What can I do?A: From your browser's file menu, select "Print Preview". If you are able to see the document in print preview, but physically printing still does not work, you are probably experiencing trouble with your printer. You may want to consult your printer manufacturer's documentation or help. Making changes Changing answersQ: I need to change my answers. Do I need to purchase another license?A: No: you can make changes as long as your license has not expired. Make sure you are signed in. You can get to your contract from the My Account page.Q: How do I change my answers?A: From our Home Page, click on the "My Documents" icon. You'll see a list of documents you have visited ans answered. Click on a document, then double-click on the set of answers you want to see. This will take you to the question page, where you can change your answers.Q: How do I access my document? / How do I get back to my contract?A: From our Home Page, click on the "My Documents" icon. You'll see a list of documents you have visited ans answered. Click on a document, then double-click on the set of answers you want to see.Changing contract textQ: I've changed as much as I can by modifying my answers, but I need to make changes to the contract text. How do I do this?A: The simplest way of doing this is to use the "LawDepot Editor". On the Preview Page of your document, click on "Edit Results" under "Common Options" in the left hand menu. Note that some documents have this editing feature disabled due to legal requirements. Help with cookies Q: Why do I need cookies enabled?A: To avoid having to type your user name and password in every time you look at a page, a cookie is used to remember who you are upon signing in.Q: Don't cookies cause popups / viruses / slow down Internet access / etc.?A: No. Cookies are pieces of text stored by web sites for their own future reference. They can only be read by the web site that stored the cookie.Q: How do I enable cookies in Internet Explorer 6?A: From the menu, select "Tools" then "Internet Options." Click on the "Privacy" tab, then the "Advanced" button. In this dialog box, make sure the checkbox beside "Override Automatic Cookie Handling" is unchecked.Alternately, if you do not want to change your settings for all sites, you can click on "Tools", "Internet Options", then the "Privacy" tab. Click the "Sites" button. Under "Address of Web Site", type, then click "Allow". Click "OK". If you have further difficulties, please contact us.Q: How do I enable cookies in Internet Explorer 7+?A: Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard. A menu will appear. From the menu, select "Tools" then "Internet Options." Click on the "Privacy" tab, then the "Advanced" button. In this dialog box, make sure the checkbox beside "Override Automatic Cookie Handling" is unchecked.Alternately, if you do not want to change your settings for all sites, you can click on "Tools", "Internet Options", then the "Privacy" tab. Click the "Sites" button. Under "Address of Web Site", type, then click "Allow". Click "OK". If you have further difficulties, please contact us.Q: How do I enable cookies in Netscape 7+?A: From the menu, select "Edit" then "Preferences" Select the "Privacy and Security" section, then "Cookies" In this section, choose "Enable all cookies" Advanced users may wish to instead select "Enable cookies based on privacy settings" and ensure that both "First Party Cookies" and "Third Party Cookies" are accepted from our site.Q: How do I enable cookies in Firefox?A: From the Tools menu, select Options. Click on the Privacy icon. In the "History" section, make sure the first option says "Firefox will: Remember History".Q: How do I enable cookies in AOL 8?A: From the AOL Toolbar, click Settings, then Preferences, then Internet Properties. Click the Privacy tab, select Advanced, and deselect "override automatic cookie handling". Click OK.Q: How do I enable cookies in AOL 7?A: If you have Internet Explorer 6: From the AOL Toolbar, click Settings, then Preferences, then Internet Properties. 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Elite Weight Loss Package Home Support Members "Personal Trainer and Nutritionist to the Stars, Reveals all the Hollywood Secrets to Lose Fat Fast Without Spending Hours in the Gym!" How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism and Burn off Body Fat the Easy Way... Even if you have struggled losing weight in the past Even if you've had enough and given up Even if you can't find time for the gym everyday ...Learn how Craig Woods, trainer of millions of people both online and in the gym has helped to get people JUST LIKE YOU slimmer and toned in weeks not months! In this revolutionary step-by-step book you are going to discover the most powerful fat loss system ever developed to this day! It's the exact same diet program Hollywood actors, supermodels and bodybuilders use to achieve lean, shaped, toned bodies with rock-hard muscle definition. On TV you are always hearing about the so called 'secret' diet and workout plans of the rich and famous and this is exactly that, but no need to spends thousands of dollars and flying to California anymore as all the secrets are now revealed for the first time in this unique book. So No More Drooling Over the Television At Bodies You Are Envious Of, As Soon You Too Can Have A Body Like The Stars! Testimonial Hi, I just wanted to let you know that your book is a life saver. For a young mother of 2 like me its hard to find the time to get your body back in shape and hard finding the motivation. I was back at the gym and eating right about 4 hours of reading the introduction in your book, and the techniques and eating regimes have got me a dress size lower in 2 weeks. I have now leant this book to my friend who's now joining me at the gym. Thank you again for your help, your book is the best. Thanks! - Jane C. Smith and Helen Rodgers 19 years of research and painstaking work outs has gone in to developing this revolutionary program which is designed to be followed by anybody, any age, male or female. This program has been developed as a 100% guaranteed fat loss system and results have been proven throughout California before we even thought about publishing it. Many scientists and nutritionists compared notes and passed on information and results which were trialed, tested and proven over the past 6 years. This really is the nutritional and training guide of the stars. So if you would like to learn how to lose fat without pills... without starving yourself... and without screwing up your metabolism for ever... Then this is the program for you! Craig Woods results don't lie! The Science Behind the "Elite Weight Loss Program" Years of research have gone into the world of weight loss solutions and we used all the data we could find to device this system. Very early in our studies we found that a special diet incorporated for a certain type of gym routine was the way forward. High carbohydrate, Isometric, food combining, food separating, high protein, Ketogenic are just a few types of diets we combined with work out routines. So years past with scientific monitoring of each program in action using advanced training and monitoring equipment, until we had the formula down to a tee. Hollywood stars didn't come knocking over night though. It took another few years of the word getting around that there was a new training program which is getting any body, any size or any shape, lean, and toned in weeks. Then once the first few celebrities enquired about following this secret program it just went crazy, everybody wanted to know about this new fad in weight loss. With demand so high and with most the information already in a tangible format, somebody suggested publishing the program as it could really help many people throughout the world lose their fat and get into shape. And so the "Elite Weight Loss Program" was born Here's just a glimpse of what you will learn... •Learn to lose fat permanently: 95% of people who lose weight put it back on within the first year and sometimes end up fatter than when they started. Learn how to train to keep the weight off and how you can stay toned even once your motivation to go every day to the gym goes. •Learn the right way to lose body fat without slowing your metabolism: When dieting you often hit a weight loss "plateau" at this point you will neither gain or lose weight. This is due to the body burning actual muscle in order to feed its need for energy. This results in a drastic slowing down of your metabolism! The elite weight loss program will teach you how to avoid this happening and teach you how to control your metabolism and use it to your big, best advantage as a calorie burning furnace! •Learn to lose fat without the need for diet pills: Weight loss drugs do work, but the results are temporary as your body adapts to them and the side effects are nasty. Learning to train without pills by getting your training and nutrition right without you ever feeling hungry will ensure you continue to burn fat and keep it off. If you're making the same fatal diet mistakes as many people do, you may find you lose some weight, but then put it on back on plus more in the long run. This is because your body has been built to reject 'diets'! The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by working with your body, not against it! You will learn how... •How to work with your metabolism to lose the weight fast but still KEEP IT OFF! •The effects of the starvation/low calorie diets as they eat away at your muscle tissue and deprives you of proper long term weight loss. •How to avoid putting your body into starvation mode, which increases your appetite and stores you're your next meal instead of your metabolism burning through it. •By eating fewer calories you will lose weight, but if you eat more calories you can lose even MORE weight. Testimonial ...I've been following The Elite Weight Loss Program for 3 month and I've so far lost 11lbs so am over the moon. It took about 8 weeks for my metabolism to speed up to where it should be but now the weight is falling off. I can't believe how quick my stomach is shrinking. This program is great for teaching you the essentials for training and includes how my body works under exercise and when dieting and has shown me where I have been going wrong for years. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to lose weight that's tried and failed in the past but wants to commit now and lose their body fat. - Sally Andrews Most dieters struggle for years to get slimmer because they're using methods that utterly destroy their metabolism long term! If you go from fad diet to fad diet and continue to play around with your metabolism using unproven nutritional practices, it's going to get harder and harder to lose weight and achieve that lean and fit look. People who consistently fail to lose fat are repeating the same mistakes over and over again, but still expecting to see different results. Psychologists have proven that the fastest way to lose weight and reach your body goal is to "model" yourself on someone who has already achieved what you want. Hollywood Stars have mastered the art and science of losing body fat, while keeping muscle doing exactly this, using the proven program which has been used time and time again. Now you have the choice. Are you going to go the next 5 to 10 years losing and gaining weight trying out god knows how many diet pills, programs and formulas, or are you going to take your first sensible step towards weight loss by reading this manual and master the art of true fat loss secrets known by some of Hollywood's biggest stars. •Learn why 95% of all diets fail •Learn the top twelve worst foods for weight gain •Learn the top twelve best foods for weight loss •Learn what can make you fatter •Learn how eating so called "good fats" can speed up fat loss •Learn how to speed up your metabolism the right way and turn it into a fat burning furnace! •Learn how you can eat as much as 50% MORE calories to aid weight loss •Learn how to increase the fat burning effects durning workout No Matter What Your End Goal Is... Take Your First Step Today Towards That Leaner and Toned Body You've Always Wanted! Yes! I want to start the program the Hollywood stars use today! Only $49.95 The "Elite Weight loss Program" is available via instant download from the members area after you purchase! You can be on your way to that toned body within days of signing up. Isn't It Time You Kicked Your Weight Loss Problem For Good? Testimonial ...Week 19 and so far I have lost over 48 pounds! I cannot believe just how great I feel. I'm eating more now so I never feel hungry but I'm eating the right foods at the right times combined with the right training program. The "Elite Weight loss program" have taught me all these aspects have to be right to lose the weight, and keep it off... Janice P. Moore Home Support Members
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Historically, the "Claim Your Check" portion of the ASN system that allows you to earn from free quotes and trials, was limited to the US or Canada. This is because not all countries or economies have businesses that are willing to pay just to have the opportunity to talk to someone. Many of these point earning free offers were almost exclusive to the US. We have now overcome this limitation so that virtually, no matter where you live, you can earn points and income for FREE! Most of the companies in the following pages provide point earning free services and trials. But anything that is not free, is always low cost, earns points and always earns money. And realize, we will be constantly expanding the selection of products, services and companies available to our members throughout the world. NOTE: Virtually any product or service contained in these link, are also available for the US. Japan Services China Services United Kingdom Services Canada Services Australia Services New Zealand Services India and Mideast Services South Africa Services South American Services Eastern Europe Making money from taking advantage of free quotes, is great, but that’s not what careers are made of. It’s just a quicker starting point. Careers are built by a combination of 1.personal use—when possible. services 3.building an organization. Although, many, but not all of the affiliate links that accumulate points with no cost are, in fact US specific… That in no way diminishes the international opportunity. You still earn points that earn you the many Infinity Bonus Checks, Fast Start, Eagle, etc... You still earn big commissions for the many financial services that you offer and... see marketing basics. You still earn from the most profitable override system available, namely your Group Bonuses. See the end of the Resource Page. One of the best things to do as you are not in the US is to start marketing services IMMEDIATELY. Specifically use the Free Gas, Groceries and Vacations to get people to frequent your site. You will want to concentrate on marketing in the US, as THEY can use the free offers but when they take advantage of them, you make money. Please see... This explains it. this is the page that you send them to. The US is the largest economy in the world. The real trick… where the real income is derived, within this system is by marketing the services… Which can be done from anywhere for free. Personal use, of course, is important—but marketing the many services is the key to long term success. See Marketing Basics and Marketing Methods. People in India have been paid for Home Loans in the US. Whether a member is in Canada, India, Venezuela, etc… it doesn’t matter. Put in a free ad on any of the 20 or so free advertising sites, we make available, including Craigslist and you will make money. For example Advertise and you earn for… a Home loan-- about $1000 per loan. a Foreclosure Negotiation-- $300 and remember, right now in the US literally millions of people need this service—what’s more, we charge about half of what other companies charge. The system is so simple that you even make money and accumulate points for giving away Free Credit Repair Manuals and Vacation Certificates! There are many other examples, but the bottom line is that no matter what Country a person resides in, this is a great opportunity for anyone tap into the largest economy in the world. See the following for many ways to earn points and commissions.
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