Wednesday 15 February 2012

The All Solutions News

The All Solutions News
Be Part of the Solution!

Congratulations to all!  Our incredible growth continues, but with it comes continuing growing pains.  Most of you are aware, we outgrew our fist servers and had to move the entire site to newer, bigger, faster servers to accommodate not only what we had already accomplished but what is certain to come.  Unfortunately, the move caused numerous issues, most of which are resolved.
    We have now also, effectively outgrown the software and programming system.  First, the commission viewer still is not working.  (Commissions are properly tracked but the system is still refusing to accept the proper commission uploads).  Our techs tell me that it should be fixed in a couple of days, but, quite frankly, I've been hearing that for weeks.  So instead of trying to continue to patch the current system that simply doesn't want to function with the incredible stress that our growth is placing on it, we are in the processing of putting in place a completely new web tracking system that will give our members many of the features that you have been asking for...

1 Counters so that you can see exactly how much traffic your site is getting.
2 Banner creation capabilities for your personal site.
3 IP tracking to prevent duplicate signups.  (some members have accidentally signed up 4 and 5 times.  Then when we eliminate the duplicates, the up line members are concerned about lost members- this will substantially eliminate this problem)
4 Customizable sites.  This will allow our members to customize their site, adding personal information, or even additional merchandise for sale.
    The creation and set up of this new system is a huge undertaking and will probably take close to a month to complete.  But it will give our members more flexibility, additional opportunity, and most importantly-- dependability and system reliability!

Something, that bears repeating that I am frequently asked.  "How Much Do I Earn Per Sign-up?" The answer to that question is $0.  But it's important to understand why.

The reason we are one of the fastest growing companies anywhere is that we've eliminated ALL barriers to entry.  It's absolutely free to join and there are no set up fees, required maintenance fees, and no risk of any kind.  Because of this, a signup generates absolutely no revenues that can be paid to anyone.

This system doesn't pay for signups.  What it does do is allow you to create large organizations from which you receive overrides, faster than any company that has ever existed.   And remember with our system you earn from not only the business volume generated by those in your organization, but the infinity fund allows you to earn from every purchase and sale from every member in the entire All Solutions Network.  But...  For the system to work, it does require that revenues are generated.  Realize-- A down line of 1000 people doing nothing, earns nothing.

BECOME YOUR BEST CUSTOMER  The first step to success is to create an organization but the essential step is for us to understand the value of being our own customers.  We provide many ways to generate business, but the simplest is to become your best customer.  Why?

First, the products and services are always of the highest quality.

Second,  You receive immediate commissions on your personal purchase on merchandise, vitamins, services of anywhere from 10% to 20% providing the retail value is, at least, $35.

Third, because every purchase you make, can usually be considered as promotional or display, etc...  Personal purchases are usually tax deductible.  Are you in the 25% tax bracket?  That would mean that a purchase of $100 will can save you $25 dollars on your income tax bill, or increase your tax refund by $25.

Fourth, Any purchase or sale from your site of $35 or more retail qualifies you for complete overrides on your down line, and in most cases a share of the Infinity Fund.

The bottom line is that it really does pay to shop at your own store.

READ AND UNDERSTAND The FAQ section of the Resource Center
  It's vitally important that you understand the information in the FAQ section.  Following is a huge example of a problem that would have been avoided had the member read and understood, when and  how members got paid...

In the middle of February we received the following letter from a member...
Thanks for all your help I know you are
overwhelmed with people signing up but that
is good it shows this program is totally
awesome. Do me a favor Bruce keep doing
what you are doing because this program is

His down line was still relatively small (about 40), but growing quickly but at the end of Feb, (because he concentrated solely on signups and not at all on developing business volume), he did not earn a check for Feb.

On about March 21 he sent a letter to his down line which by now was large.  It read in part... (paraphrased)
The Solutions network is a scam.  I have a down line of over 600 and haven't been paid a dime.  I'm going to a different company and suggest you do the same!
   I'm not going to question this member's motives, but I will question his reasoning. 
1  He earned nothing for Feb  because he had only been in business a couple of weeks.  As we all know, most businesses lose money at the start.
2  He hadn't earned anything in March, because March wasn't over!  Checks for March production aren't due to be paid until April 5.  Of course, he hadn't made anything... he wasn't due to be paid for another 2 weeks!

Please, make sure you read and understand the FAQ section.  Doing so will avoid many potential issues, questions and yes-- problems.

PHONES-- a few members have asked why we don't have phone numbers for ease of contact.  We will do so, soon.  However, right now, we concentrate on email support because every question answered is being cataloged to ultimately be a part of the FAQ section of the resource center Allowing only email contact will, ultimately allow us to make your resource center a much more valuable tool.

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